Pakistan Makes Deal w/bin Laden


Senior Member
According to Keith Obermann abc news and The International Herald Tribune are reporting that Pakistan's dictator and Bush compartriot in the so-called "war on terror" has struck a deal with the bin Laden friendly Taliban and given a pass to bin Laden who may be hiding out in Northern Pakistan. According to the story, Pakistan has adopted a "don't ask, don't tell" policy regarding the presence of bin Laden and al Qaeda in the northern region of Pakistan. If the war lord who now controls the region where bin Laden is widely believed to be hiding will stop attacking, shooting at and killing Pakistani soldiers, Musharrif will leave the region and stop trying to control what goes on there. If the story is true, Bush is in a pickle, either he is going to have to say directly that bin Laden is indeed irrelevant at this time, and whether he has sanctuary or not is no longer of concern to the US, or we are still interested in bin Laden and Bush will have to exercise his own rules regarding those who give sanctuarry to terrorists and attack Pakistan.

Question: How many wars can Bush actually handle?

Bush must be saying to himself about now, "So many trouble spots, so few troops!" Poor Bush if this story is in fact true, he is in a real quandry.

Or this is some kind of ploy to get bin laden to reveal himself in time for an attack before the November elections? But is the Bush administration so stupid that they think something so obvious as this would draw bin Laden out after all these months in hiding?
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I sometimes like to amuse myself by imagining what the Republicans in Congress would be doing if 9/11 had occurred on Clinton's watch, and five years later he had not produced Bin Laden. Any Republican or bush supporter who doesn't admit in their own hearts what would have happened to Clinton, is a liar living in a state of willful delusion. Which is what most of them are, and where most of them live.
Or this is some kind of ploy to get bin laden to reveal himself in time for an attack before the November elections? But is the Bush administration so stupid that they think something so obvious as this would draw bin Laden out after all these months in hiding?

I'm going to have to stop you right there. "Ploy" would imply that this administration is capable of strategic thought and foresight outside of campaigns, which clearly they are not.
This DEAL was made with the USA, to back off of BIN LADEN....

Bin Laden sold out Zarqawi

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- Abu Musab al-Zarqawi had the phone numbers of senior Iraqi officials stored in his cell phone, according to an Iraqi legislator.

Waiel Abdul-Latif, a member of former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi's party, said Monday that authorities found the numbers after al-Zarqawi, leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, was killed in a U.S. air strike on June 7.

Abdul-Latif did not give names of the officials. But he said they included ministry employees and members of parliament.

He called for an investigation, saying Iraqis "cannot have one hand with the government and another with the terrorists."

Meanwhile, al-Zarqawi's wife told an Italian newspaper that al Qaeda leaders sold him out to the United States in exchange for a promise to let up in the search for Osama bin Laden.

The woman, identified by La Repubblica as al-Zarqawi's first wife, said al Qaeda's top leadership reached a deal with U.S. intelligence because al Zarqawi had become too powerful.

She claimed Sunni tribes and Jordanian secret services mediated the deal.

"My husband has been sold to the Americans," the woman said in an interview published Sunday. "He had become too powerful, too troublesome."

She was identified only as "Um Mohammed," which means "mother of Mohammed" and would be a nickname, not her full name.

The Rome-based newspaper said the interview was conducted in Geneva and described her as Jordanian and about 40 years old.

In Jordan, Al-Zarqawi's eldest brother, Sayel al-Khalayleh, said the family had not been aware of the woman's whereabouts for about two years.

Iraq's national security adviser said Sunday that al-Zarqawi had been buried in a "secret location" in Baghdad despite his family's demand that the body be returned to his native Jordan.

Mouwafak al-Rubaie would not say when the Jordanian-born militant was buried, or give any specifics on the location of the grave.

The U.S. military confirmed the burial but declined to give details.

"The remains of Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi were turned over to the appropriate government of Iraq officials and buried in accordance with Muslim customs and traditions," the military said in an e-mailed statement. "Anything further than that would be addressed by the Iraqi government."

Al-Zarqawi's brother demanded that his body be transferred to Jordan, and accused the United States of lying.

"Bush took his body to the United States," al-Khalayleh told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from his home in the Jordanian city of Zarqa.

"Even if he is buried in Iraq, we will continue to ask for the body to be transferred and buried in Jordan," he said. "He should be buried in his own country."

Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
I have news for the dems here. If bin laden is caught or killed the war won't end. He's a figurehead now and there are many others doing his work for him.

As for pakistan giving up control of territory and allow bin laden to live there in peace. That would be like turning over a piece of their country to him to form his own country. I can't see them doing that.

Bush lies but islamo-facists never do. zarqowi's wife would never lie about him. He was taken out by American forces so it must have been some devious trick and he was sacrificed cause he was to big and important. what a bunch of whowie. Just more hollywood style conspiracy theories. dramatize and speculate. Then get a good screen writer in.
give me a minute or two Damo, I copied this from a thread on fullpolitics, and there was no link there, I just relo0ked, so I will find it for you... sorry!

And Gaffer, please don't go away...i need to respond to your post, but need to find this link for Damo first.... :(
give me a minute or two Damo, I copied this from a thread on fullpolitics, and there was no link there, I just relo0ked, so I will find it for you... sorry!
Thanks... I can find it for you, if you want.
Gaffer;17259]I have news for the dems here. If bin laden is caught or killed the war won't end. He's a figurehead now and there are many others doing his work for him.

Yes, he is a figurehead now, 5 years later.... but because he is a figurehead is why capturing him would be a HUGE feat for the USA, and psycologically wound them, because Allah would no longer be protecting Bin Laden from us...imo.

As for pakistan giving up control of territory and allow bin laden to live there in peace. That would be like turning over a piece of their country to him to form his own country. I can't see them doing that.

Shortly after Zarqawi was killed, and after Zarqawi's wife made this statement about Bin Laden outing Zarqawi, the Pentegon announced that they would be retreating from the Afghan/Pakistan region...maybe it is a coincidence...maybe the testimony of the wife is really Psyops by the usa cia to make people hate bin laden for outing zarqawi as a quid pro quo, to get safety in Afghanistan/Pakistan.

And the usa has pulled out, basically.

People in the Pakistani government side with Bin Laden and the Talibani and they hate Musharaf...they have tried to assasinate him time and time again...the war lords ALREADY rule their own regions, what would be taken away from Musharaf or what would he be giving up, as you say?

Gaffer;17259]I have news for the dems here. If bin laden is caught or killed the war won't end. He's a figurehead now and there are many others doing his work for him.

Yes, he is a figurehead now, 5 years later.... but because he is a figurehead is why capturing him would be a HUGE feat for the USA, and psycologically wound them, because Allah would no longer be protecting Bin Laden from us...imo.

As for pakistan giving up control of territory and allow bin laden to live there in peace. That would be like turning over a piece of their country to him to form his own country. I can't see them doing that.

Shortly after Zarqawi was killed, and after Zarqawi's wife made this statement about Bin Laden outing Zarqawi, the Pentegon announced that they would be retreating from the Afghan/Pakistan region...maybe it is a coincidence...maybe the testimony of the wife is really Psyops by the usa cia to make people hate bin laden for outing zarqawi as a quid pro quo, to get safety in Afghanistan/Pakistan.

And the usa has pulled out, basically.

People in the Pakistani government side with Bin Laden and the Talibani and they hate Musharaf...they have tried to assasinate him time and time again...the war lords ALREADY rule their own regions, what would be taken away from Musharaf or what would he be giving up, as you say?


Not only that, but the bin Laden desk at the CIA was actually elimanated. Apparently the search for bin Laden was being integrated with other searches for wanted people or some such Bush-speak tripe. In any event the search for bin Laden was downgraded. Personally, now that the administration is basically a lame duck, I figure that Bush is giving bin Laden his reward for giving Bush the incident, 9-11, that gained him re-election and his war-profiteering no-bid buddies their greatest haul in the last fifty years. They were nowhere until bin Laden came along with his "planes" it's they who are flying high...and actually in that top part of the one percent whose heirs would gain financially from the elimination of the so-called and miss-named "death tax"...
I'm going to have to stop you right there. "Ploy" would imply that this administration is capable of strategic thought and foresight outside of campaigns, which clearly they are not.

I love this train of thought. Keep thinking they are dumb. Keep thinking they are stupid. Keep thinking they are ogres.........and they'll be in power for another several years.:(