Pakistan orders troops to open fire if US raids


The Force is With Me
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pakistan's military has ordered its forces to open fire if U.S. troops launch another air or ground raid across the Afghan border, an army spokesman said Tuesday.

The orders, which come in response to a highly unusual Sept. 3 ground attack by U.S. commandos, are certain to heighten tensions between Washington and a key ally against terrorism. Although the ground attack was rare, there have been repeated reports of U.S. drone aircraft striking militant targets, most recently on Sept. 12.

Pakistani officials warn that stepped-up cross-border raids will accomplish little while fueling violent religious extremism in nuclear-armed Pakistan. Some complain that the country is a scapegoat for the failure to stabilize Afghanistan.

Pakistan's civilian leaders, who have taken a hard line against Islamic militants since forcing Pervez Musharraf to resign as president last month, have insisted that Pakistan must resolve the dispute with Washington through diplomatic channels.

However, army spokesman Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas told The Associated Press that after U.S. helicopters ferried troops into a militant stronghold in the South Waziristan tribal region, the military told field commanders to prevent any similar raids.

"The orders are clear," Abbas said in an interview. "In case it happens again in this form, that there is a very significant detection, which is very definite, no ambiguity, across the border, on ground or in the air: open fire."

more at link --

Who thinks getting deeper involved in Pakistan and Afghanistan chasing ghosts is a good idea?

We does Obama think this is a good idea .. even more so than McCain?
But I thought Pakistan was our Ally in the war on Terra? With this developement, all of the terra-ists are going to run across to Pakistan and organize and attack with impunity. I say conduct the raids with good close air support and open fire on them if they open fire on us. The new government in Pakistan is acting as a shield for Al Qaeda.
But I thought Pakistan was our Ally in the war on Terra? With this developement, all of the terra-ists are going to run across to Pakistan and organize and attack with impunity. I say conduct the raids with good close air support and open fire on them if they open fire on us. The new government in Pakistan is acting as a shield for Al Qaeda.

Open fire and kill more civilians if the Pakistani government attempts to protect their own borders and their citizens from terrorists who fly big planes.

Open fire and kill more civilians if the Pakistani government attempts to protect their own borders and their citizens from terrorists who fly big planes.

No, military units that open fire on you are very easy to tell from Civilians.
No, military units that open fire on you are very easy to tell from Civilians.

So in your opinion, the Pakistani military has no right to protect its borders or civilians unless we say so?

Would a military force from Latin America have the right to attack the US for our terrorist training camp on US soil? Would you like to see a list of the terrorists we have trained there?

Does the US have the authority to attack any nation its chooses .. like Iraq?

Did you support the invasion of Iraq?

I am not about to read them rights of the USA citizens.

Opp--McCain and Palin in my home town. Tickets were gone before noon the first day of availability, so I missed it. Local radio is covering it, so I will listen to them while I work--and dream of independant retirement so I can die with honor.

For the record as a indicator of public opinion out side of sanfransicko--Obama did not fill up nearly that fast. less than two months to go. Ya better make up some dirt on Palin's youngest baby or something--and fast!!!---lol

No bets yet either--from you wise and always correct fine commies?
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I am not about to read them rights of the USA citizens.

Opp--McCain and Palin in my home town. Tickets were gone before noon the first day of availability, so I missed it. Local radio is covering it, so I will listen to them while I work--and dream of independant retirement so I can die with honor.

For the record as a indicator of public opinion out side of sanfransicko--Obama did not fill up nearly that fast. less than two months to go. Ya better make up some dirt on Palin's youngest baby or something--and fast!!!---lol

No bets yet either--from you wise and always correct fine commies?

The tragedy of your comments is that you don't realize that it validates how mindlessly ignorant the American people have become.