Pakistani president tells foreign troops to keep out


The Force is With Me
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (CNN) -- Pakistan will not allow foreign powers to violate the country's sovereignty to pursue terrorists, the country's new president, Asif Ali Zardari, said Saturday.

"We will not tolerate the violation of our sovereignty and territorial integrity by any power in the name of combating terrorism," he said in his first speech to Parliament since taking the presidential oath this month.

The president's comments echo those of Gen. Parvez Kayani, Pakistan's military chief, who said recently that the country would not allow foreign forces to conduct operations inside Pakistan.

Those comments came after the United States launched a military ground operation in South Waziristan, a region near the Afghan border that is home to Islamic extremists.

The United States maintains that Taliban and al Qaeda forces operate with relative impunity in tribal areas along Pakistan's border with Afghanistan. It says extremists use those areas as a staging ground to attack U.S. forces and their allies inside Afghanistan.

The U.S. military sent ground forces into South Waziristan this month without Islamabad's permission. Several months ago, President Bush authorized U.S. special forces to carry out ground assaults inside Pakistan without seeking Islamabad's permission, according to media reports.

In addition, missiles fired from unmanned aircraft have targeted members of al Qaeda and suspected Taliban militants inside Pakistan several times this year. The United States is the only nation with forces in the region that is known to be able to launch missiles from the small, quiet and deadly drones.

After news of the U.S. military operation in South Waziristan, Kayani said Pakistan's "territorial integrity ... will be defended at all cost and no external force is allowed to conduct operations ... inside Pakistan."

On Wednesday, the top U.S. military officer, Adm. Michael Mullen, visited Pakistan to confer with senior leaders.

During his brief visit, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff met with Kayani and Pakistan's newly elected prime minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani.

The U.S. Embassy in Pakistan described the talks as "extremely frank, positive and constructive."

Mullen reiterated U.S. commitment to respect Pakistan's sovereignty and to develop further U.S.-Pakistani cooperation and coordination, the embassy said in a statement.

Zardari will meet with Bush next week on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, the White House announced Thursday.

"The two leaders will discuss efforts to strengthen the bilateral relationship and build a long-term partnership based on common values," said Bush spokeswoman Dana Perino.

Is this Iraqistan?

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Tough talk on Pakistan from Obama

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama said on Wednesday the United States must be willing to strike al Qaeda targets inside Pakistan, adopting a tough tone after a chief rival accused him of naivete in foreign policy.

Obama's stance comes amid debate in Washington over what to do about a resurgent al Qaeda and Taliban in areas of northwest Pakistan that President Pervez Musharraf has been unable to control, and concerns that new recruits are being trained there for a September 11-style attack against the United States.

Obama said if elected in November 2008 he would be willing to attack inside Pakistan with or without approval from the Pakistani government, a move that would likely cause anxiety in the already troubled region.

more at link --

Obamaites ????
Obama is right, and if Pakistan will show no resolve to root out Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Pakistan then we will. These really were the people responsible for terrorist acts against us. Our military operations inside Pakistan should be small and covert but they should be there all the same. Couple that with intel AND law enforcement.
Obama is right, and if Pakistan will show no resolve to root out Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Pakistan then we will. These really were the people responsible for terrorist acts against us. Our military operations inside Pakistan should be small and covert but they should be there all the same. Couple that with intel AND law enforcement.

But give Pakistan the opportunity to root them out themselves. At least pretend to respect their sovereignty.
They had 7 years so far--to root out the terrorists--they harbor them moron. They are not going to have a choice, because we should not tolleriate them harboring a shit load of terrorism. Half the state is a terrorism harbor against the West, and they let that happen. No country is exempt from attack if they let that happen and terrorism is not sovernty. Technically allied with us or not---we are going in--and we should do it fast and as hard as possible, nukes included IMO. If they want to harm us---we kill them in self defense!!!

We can sit on their borders, warn them about the nukes comming, drop the nukes, catch the terrorists and kill them as they flee like the cockroaches they are--and end this shit!

base logic--base logic hippies. Get the needle out of your arm--it makes your children stupid. But not stupid enough to vacation in Pakistan---go over there and let their sovereignty embrase you if you think harboring the main terrorists is sovereignty. Damn--morons are gonna get us killed in our own cities. Two buildings go down,, thousands of our people died, and your worried about their sovereignty, and treat it like a common street crime? You hate America solitary fucker!!! Get the fuck out!!!
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Tough talk on Pakistan from Obama

Obama said if elected in November 2008 he would be willing to attack inside Pakistan with or without approval from the Pakistani government, a move that would likely cause anxiety in the already troubled region.

Obamaites ????

obamie the commie is just giving lip service. He just wants to talk with them--lol.

Causing anxiety in that terroristic troubled region is the plan!

See how the commies twist that in the paper? They make you feel like they are really nice people who are struggeling to get along. Of course we are going to cause anxiety there!! Note--how the libs make you feel guilty by using "feeling" words like "anxiety in the region" instead of saying "we are gonna get the bad folks who attacked NY city!" The more anxiety our enemys have--the better. I see how the washington post (reuters--CNN-ABC-NBC--etc etc) twists the fact--guess what I call them----thats right man---fucking commies! lol
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Obama is a neocon now. Nobody is allowed to president unless they are. Democracy is a lie.

off the net

The term neoconservative was originally used as a criticism against liberals who had "moved to the right". Michael Harrington, a democratic socialist, coined the usage of neoconservative in a 1973 Dissent magazine article concerning welfare policy. According to E. J. Dionne, the nascent neoconservatives were driven by "the notion that liberalism" had failed and "no longer knew what it was talking about."

carter, clinton, and obama are not neocons from what I see. carter and obama are the epitome of hard left liberialism/socialiosm/marxism to me.
off the net

The term neoconservative was originally used as a criticism against liberals who had "moved to the right". Michael Harrington, a democratic socialist, coined the usage of neoconservative in a 1973 Dissent magazine article concerning welfare policy. According to E. J. Dionne, the nascent neoconservatives were driven by "the notion that liberalism" had failed and "no longer knew what it was talking about."

carter, clinton, and obama are not neocons from what I see. carter and obama are the epitome of hard left liberialism/socialiosm/marxism to me.

Nope. They are all neocons.
Nope. They are all neocons.

I think they are just playing the new lable "neocon" on tv once in a while to get votes in America. There is not a consertative molecule in obama's body. He is nothing but a empty vessel for marxism, and is now, for the first time in his life (the last month or two), starting to sound a bit consertative. It is another lie.
obamie the commie is just giving lip service. He just wants to talk with them--lol.

It's called "diplomacy". Maybe if this was utilized a little more in the last 6 or 7 years, we would have saved "billions", maybe "trillions" of US dollars in debt.
obamie the commie is just giving lip service. He just wants to talk with them--lol.

It's called "diplomacy". Maybe if this was utilized a little more in the last 6 or 7 years, we would have saved "billions", maybe "trillions" of US dollars in debt.

And tens of thousands of US troop causalties.
We should be able to pursue those who perpetrated 9/11. However, what we're witnessing in Pakistan is Anti-Americanism as the result of the fact that we have supported a military-dictator (Musharaff) for several years who silenced political dissent and crushed popular sentiment.

We should have issued letters of Marque after 9/11 and hired some big guns to hunt down Al-Qaeda leaders. Our military has only worsened the situation by killing thousands of innocent civilians, as large-scale military interventions tend to do as they pursue their adversaries.
I believe in the sovernty of all nations. I do not think we should send troops into any nation without first declaring war or getting therir permission.

How would we feel if the shoe was on the other foot.
If bush was declared a war criminal in another country and foreign troops came after him ?

Yeah I know, time for the biggest dog routine from several here.
We should be able to pursue those who perpetrated 9/11. However, what we're witnessing in Pakistan is Anti-Americanism as the result of the fact that we have supported a military-dictator (Musharaff) for several years who silenced political dissent and crushed popular sentiment.

We should have issued letters of Marque after 9/11 and hired some big guns to hunt down Al-Qaeda leaders. Our military has only worsened the situation by killing thousands of innocent civilians, as large-scale military interventions tend to do as they pursue their adversaries.

Anti-Americanism has become a religion and we are converting more people to it everyday with our brainless cowboy diplomacy.

But the greater question is who perpetrated 9/11 .. who are you going to pursue?

Is everyone who hates America a "terrorist?"

Who is it exactly that we're after?


The Taliban?

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I believe in the sovernty of all nations. I do not think we should send troops into any nation without first declaring war or getting therir permission.

How would we feel if the shoe was on the other foot.
If bush was declared a war criminal in another country and foreign troops came after him ?

Yeah I know, time for the biggest dog routine from several here.


Should Latin America be able to send murder squads into the US for our terrorist training camp in Georgia, the School of Assassins (SOA) ?
Obama is right, and if Pakistan will show no resolve to root out Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Pakistan then we will. These really were the people responsible for terrorist acts against us. Our military operations inside Pakistan should be small and covert but they should be there all the same. Couple that with intel AND law enforcement.

That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

We haven't been able to root out the Taliban in Afghanistan .. in fact, they've gotten stronger .. acknowledged even by US military analysts

Analysts Say Taliban Getting Stronger,15240,170995,00.html

US troop deaths are on the rise in Afghanistan ..

U.S. Deaths Rise in Afghanistan
June Is Deadliest Month for Troops as Country Sees Taliban Resurgence

Attacks in Afghanistan are on the rise ..

Afghanistan attacks rise, U.S. says

Our military is drained ..

US military drained of means to respond to terrorist attack

Our Treasury is drained

The War on Terror has been a complete fucking failure

And you think it's a good idea to go chasing more ghosts in another country .. this one with A NUCLEAR BOMB .. while we've already got TWO MOTHERFUCKING WARS going on right now.
