Palin Cutting Wasteful Spending?


JPP Modarater

"ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- Gov. Sarah Palin charged the state for her children to travel with her, including to events where they were not invited, and later amended expense reports to specify that they were on official business.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has charged the state $21,012 for her three daughters' plane flights.

The charges included costs for hotel and commercial flights for three daughters to join Palin to watch their father in a snowmobile race, and a trip to New York, where the governor attended a five-hour conference and stayed with 17-year-old Bristol for five days and four nights in a luxury hotel."

LMAO.... this from the part of the duo that does nothing but harp on cutting wasteful spending.......

Man, she's the gift that keeps on giving.

Or using Dixie logic: This is the smartest thing she's ever done. She's exposed herself for the pork barrel spender she is!
From what I have read it is not legal.

But then when has legal mattered to a Bush style Republican ?

you know if it's not legal, i wonder, what is alaska going to do about it? now they are also talking about a additional troopergate investigation based on witness tampering? and this is the new star of the r party?

you know if it's not legal, i wonder, what is alaska going to do about it? now they are also talking about a additional troopergate investigation based on witness tampering? and this is the new star of the r party?


she does fit in well with the current Republican party though.
From what I have read it is not legal.

But then when has legal mattered to a Bush style Republican ?

LOL, no. I don't think its legal either. Especially since she went back and AMENDED her expenses. That shows she knows she was wrong.

Not a peep from the cons on this site yet. This could be the most damaging event to anyone on both tickets thus far.

But, again, like I said, you can't have honest discussions with cons. I'm sure if they do chime in from the peanut gallery it will be to brush it under the rug or to point to something the democrats have done.
LOL, no. I don't think its legal either. Especially since she went back and AMENDED her expenses. That shows she knows she was wrong.

Not a peep from the cons on this site yet. This could be the most damaging event to anyone on both tickets thus far.

But, again, like I said, you can't have honest discussions with cons. I'm sure if they do chime in from the peanut gallery it will be to brush it under the rug or to point to something the democrats have done.

oh please. we had a dem out here who did this for 25 years and when he was caught he got off with a warning. to try and pretend that this doesn't go on in both parties, or that it's some big deal, just makes you look foolish. i don't even support mccain and i can see this. it's why neither are likely to get my vote.
you know if it's not legal, i wonder, what is alaska going to do about it? now they are also talking about a additional troopergate investigation based on witness tampering? and this is the new star of the r party?


Not sure. But I've seen mayors get convicted to federal prison for fraud and misuse of tax funds.

The $150k on clothes is funny to me because red neck dumb@$$es paid for it. But this is a whole nother level.
oh please. we had a dem out here who did this for 25 years and when he was caught he got off with a warning. to try and pretend that this doesn't go on in both parties, or that it's some big deal, just makes you look foolish. i don't even support mccain and i can see this. it's why neither are likely to get my vote.


lemme guess!

"In July, the governor charged the state $2,741.26 to take Bristol and Piper to Philadelphia for a meeting of the National Governors Association. The girls had their own room for five nights at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel for $215.46 a night, expense records show."


No comments from all you fiscal conservatives? None?