Palin- Everyone’s Darling

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welcome VFI, did you enjoy her flirting with you during the debate?

You know all that cute teeth licking and winking stuff?

The bangs so long they moved when she blinked.
welcome VFI, did you enjoy her flirting with you during the debate?

You know all that cute teeth licking and winking stuff?

The bangs so long they moved when she blinked.
Palin has her bad points and isn't the brightest person, but most of the Liberal women cricitizing her come across as just being jealous of how hot she is.
Now you see the true face of sexism.

She is not supposed to be using her sex to ply voters she is supposed to be using her wits.

Her wits are on short order so she licks her teeth, winks,flips her hair and wears her hair a certain way to compensate and you imply Im a jealous woman for noticing.

She has you wrapped arround her finger by your little one.
Palin has her bad points and isn't the brightest person, but most of the Liberal women cricitizing her come across as just being jealous of how hot she is.

Or how alarmed by how little knowledge someone who could be so close to leading the free world actually has.

Same difference, though...
a purple little little lady will be perfect
for dirty old and useless clown...

McCain: the dirty old and useless clown candidate.
Palin has her bad points and isn't the brightest person, but most of the Liberal women cricitizing her come across as just being jealous of how hot she is.

I remember Dan Quayles having to put up with that kind of back-biting from those jealous Liberal men a few years ago.

I imagine it's a hell of a burden to bear.
Well, that is what scares me.

As for the other subject, it’s interesting to me how this thread, I think, really highlights some of the differences between the way a male con and male liberals think. It’s a great example of why I personally do not become involved with them. I mean, is this the 1950’s?? Jealous?

I work for an organization where any of the behavior she exhibits, is quite simply, flat-out unacceptable. Further, I have never worked for any company where that behavior would not be simply viewed as bizarre, in anyone other than a 20 something year old intern.

In my own business, I cannot afford to ever allow myself to be sexualized. This morning, I had an 8:30 breakfast meeting with one of the most successful commercial real estate men on LI. I met him through a networking organization I belong to. He is about 60, or 62 maybe. I was really nervous, because he seems to basically want to mentor me. And he’s going to do a lot of good for me, but I simply will not accept business if I believe there is any implication of, sex. Firstly, someone having the idea that I might sleep with someone for business, disgusts me. Secondly, if I even allow the possibility is there, eventually it’s going to get me into the kind of situation that I have always had trouble with, and that is when a guy gets really like, pushy sexually. It grosses me out, and it scares me a little. I know it will be hard to believe, because of my personality on here, but it’s true. And so I had to be so careful, to allow my personality to come through, which is kind of a colorful personality, without any sexual vibes. I know that I did it. And I did not sense any feeling about him, that he was going down that road, or trying to. He just thinks that I’m very creative, smart, and have a great business personality, and he wants to mentor me.

It feels good. I left there really excited, and confident.

Jealous? I have to ask, what century are you living in?