Palin Gives Deposition in Trooper Case...


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ST. LOUIS, Missouri (CNN) -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin finished giving three hours of depositions Friday night to the state Personnel Board, which is looking into whether she unfairly fired Alaska's public safety director this summer, her attorney told CNN.

Palin, the Republican vice presidential candidate, gave her deposition in St. Louis.

"The governor was very pleased to finally get the chance to get an opportunity to get the whole truth out to an unbiased and independent investigator," Palin attorney Thomas Van Flein said.

Van Flein described Palin's testimony as detailed.

Her husband, Todd Palin, also was supposed to testify separately Friday but it was unclear if he had done so.

Personnel Board investigator Timothy Petumenos took the governor's testimony.

Walt Monegan, fired as public safety director in July, requested a fact-finding hearing before the state Personnel Board, saying his reputation had been "unjustifiably tarnished" by a false accusation of misconduct.

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So, the so-called "report" glommed onto a while back, which stated Palin abused her power, was written and published BEFORE the investigation was finished? Or is it they somehow concluded the investigation before Palin was deposed? Or was the "report" actually a bogus piece of politically motivated bullshit?