Palin Must Be Stopped!

Fellow Americans, I come to you today to ask you to join in stopping Sarah Palin! In just three weeks, she has completely deflated the Obama Movement, and energized the wacko right wingers! Liberalism is under attack, and going down fast, and nothing that has been thrown seems to phase her! Not only that, but it seems, everything that is thrown at her, comes right back into the face of those who throw it! If Reagan was the "Teflon President", Palin is the "Rubber VP Candidate!" We can't stand this anymore, we must stop her now!

Palin wants to put God in the schools. Yes, she wants to fire every teacher in America, and let God teach our kids! He can be all places at all times, so this will be more "efficient" government... that's what she means by that! She not only wants to make school prayer mandatory, but she wants to make it law, that everyone attend church daily and pray! Anyone caught breaking this law, will be mowed down with her AK-47, which she carries with her at all times!

Palin wants to ban every book in America, except for The Bible, which she will make it a requirement to read, if you want to vote. She also wants to completely ban birth control, and force every woman in America, age 16 and above, to start producing children continuously. She says; "Children are the future of America!" ...Now we know what she means! Contrary to how she appears, she has always had a tremendous ambition... not to be the first female president, but to be the first president to deliver a baby in the oval office! Yes, she plans to have more retarded children for us to pay for! She figures she can spit 'em out til age 60 or so, and this is her plan for all women of America, except Liberals. Also contrary to what you've been fed by the Right Wing Media, she does favor abortion in the case of Liberalism! It's all part of her vast right-wing conspiracy plan to repopulate America with conservatives! If every conservative woman is forced to have at least one baby a year from 16 to 60, conservatives can gain an insurmountable super-majority in Congress in just under 20 years! This is a FACT people!

While we are 'exposing' Palin, let's talk about her family! That "son" who is supposedly going to Iraq, is actually a robotic droid, programmed to go kill Vladdy Putin and other 'progressive' leaders who get in her way! Her illegitimate daughter's father is actually an illegal alien, which is why she cheated on her boyfriend Levi, and had an affair with a gansta. Palin's sinister plan is to combine all races of minority people together, so she can reprogram their minds and turn them into 'conservatives' who will be able to assimilate among the remaining liberals, and destroy them from within! Oh, it's EVIL people, pure EVIL! This woman has to be stopped!

She was a lifelong member of the Secret Alaskan Society... an organization who believes Alaska is it's own nation, and not part of the United States. They are actually allied with alQaeda and Bin Laden, as well as Kim Jong-Ill and Akmedinajahd. Not to mention, Big Oil Buddies with the Saudis. The SAS is largely responsible for the gas prices being high! PAY ATTENTION PEOPLE!

Once she is elected VP, she will immediately eliminate her boss, but you will be told something different, of course! Then, her sinister plan can be implemented! It will be too late for us then, we must stand and fight this evil now! You are giving power to a woman who doesn't even live in the 'continental 48' and once you elect her, it's all over! WE WILL ALL BE DEAD!

Man, that's a lot of words.

We're back to McCain/Obama now, much to McCain's dismay. He might actually have to talk about a few issues, in between lies....
Man, that's a lot of words.

We're back to McCain/Obama now, much to McCain's dismay. He might actually have to talk about a few issues, in between lies....

No, we're still on Palin. You made a huge fucking mistake when you went after her, and you don't get let off the hook that easily here. Yeah, you WISH we could go back to McCain/Obama now... now that you're getting your asses kicked!

The way I see it, your a bunch of goddamn idiots! Sexist BIGOT idiots at that! You went after Hillary, and then you tried to go after Palin, but she thoroughly kicked your ass. Here you are, with your nice looking guy in a suit, who gives a good speech, you don't know him from Adam, and you're ready to turn the keys to the White House over to him... You got Biden out there making a fool of himself on a daily basis, and you think you can go after Sarah Palin? Did you not realize how many Big Oil Executives have tried that shit? How many political adversaries? How many Moose? This woman has made a career out of kicking the asses of people like you!

No, we're not "back on" anything, moron.... we're on YOU, like flies on shit!
Wow...look at you! You'd love the whole election to be about one VP candidate. You don't even care who is going to be President.

Trust me; we're back to McCain/Obama. The "interview" was enough of an eye opener - and certainly to the media - that PalinMania will have to now take a backseat. The debates start soon, and the top of your ticket is actually going to have to articulate something about what he's going to do for the country besides "Obama called my running mate a pig!"

Gear up....