Palin, Pork queen


Villified User
The McCain campaign boasts of her pork-cutting, but up close it looks more like a trim. In her two years as governor, Alaska has requested nearly $750 million in special federal spending, by far the largest per-capita request in the nation. She boasts of rejecting plans to build the notorious "Bridge to Nowhere," a $389 million bridge to an island with 50 residents. But only after she said yes did she say no, rejecting the locally-popular project after it was ridiculed and Congress cut some of the funds. She hung onto $27 million to build the approach road to the bridge.
Actually she didn't reject any of it. The money - our money - still went into her states budget. She did not save us a penny. She still took like the greedy little commie she is (that's for you majority).
Republican really have no elite for that VP job. They cheer at this one when they found her like old men found a viagra. Pick up any one in the House would be better qualified than her. She is more experienced to wear a bikini than to wear a uniform. Can you imagine she be the president of the US if McCain fails? She is a blank either in foreign affairs, military and judiciary. Yet GOP seems load all hopes on her? Is that too childish?
Republican really have no elite for that VP job. They cheer at this one when they found her like old men found a viagra. Pick up any one in the House would be better qualified than her. She is more experienced to wear a bikini than to wear a uniform. Can you imagine she be the president of the US if McCain fails? She is a blank either in foreign affairs, military and judiciary. Yet GOP seems load all hopes on her? Is that too childish?

Wow this is unusually coherent for Kathy.
Its so funny that they are trying to make her out to be some corruption fighter.

shes an fring right R from a very R state saddled with massive R corruption.
Republican really have no elite for that VP job. They cheer at this one when they found her like old men found a viagra. Pick up any one in the House would be better qualified than her. She is more experienced to wear a bikini than to wear a uniform. Can you imagine she be the president of the US if McCain fails? She is a blank either in foreign affairs, military and judiciary. Yet GOP seems load all hopes on her? Is that too childish?

What foreign affairs experience does Obama have?
What military experience does Obama have?
Judiciary? Yeah, Obama is a lawyer... you got us there! lol

So.... is it 'too childish' for liberal democrats to load all hopes on Obama as well?
The McCain campaign boasts of her pork-cutting, but up close it looks more like a trim. In her two years as governor, Alaska has requested nearly $750 million in special federal spending, by far the largest per-capita request in the nation. She boasts of rejecting plans to build the notorious "Bridge to Nowhere," a $389 million bridge to an island with 50 residents. But only after she said yes did she say no, rejecting the locally-popular project after it was ridiculed and Congress cut some of the funds. She hung onto $27 million to build the approach road to the bridge.

usGED... uhm... I know you are not a real educated person, but Governors of States usually do seek money from Congress for their state, along with the Senators and Representatives from the state, that is kind of what their job is. The term "pork" as it is being applied here, means wasteful federal government spending. Sarah Palin never served in the Congress, so she never had a vote on 'pork' at the federal level. The Senators and Reps, maybe so, but not the Governor, they have no votes in Congress.

Of all the idiotic charges made against Palin in the past week and a half, and there have been some doozies, this one is the most unreasonable. How is a Governor responsible for what the US Congress does? Sure, she supported and advocated for federal funding for her state, but that is what a governor is supposed to do, it is their job to do it, and why the people of Alaska elect them to office. Can you imagine her getting elected to the governorship, then announcing Alaska would not accept any Federal money because she didn't believe in the US Government wasting money on Alaskans?

Now..... Your VP candidate, Joe Biden... a 35-year RELIC of the Senate... well, he certainly hasn't ever supported "pork" for his state, I am sure, right?

You see, they have a word for people like you, it's called "HYPOCRITE!"
Pork is a bridge to nowhere designed to benifit a few wealthy citizens at the harm of the American people.

She was for this bridge until Stevens got him dumb ass caught and then of course she was against it.
Its so funny that they are trying to make her out to be some corruption fighter.

shes an fring right R from a very R state saddled with massive R corruption.

IF Palin were pro-choice, she would be considered a moderate. Are you even aware of what she has done? Let me just inform you a little here... She ran for Mayor of Wassila, against the incumbent Republican Mayor, and won. Then she ran for Governor of her state, against the incumbent Republican Governor, and beat him in the primaries, and then won the election over a Democrat who had been Governor before.

It's very rare to beat an incumbent of any office, in the primaries. Particularly when you have no experience and have to compete against those who do. Once she was elected Governor, she took on the corruption in her own party, and this is why she enjoys a 90% approval rating from her constituents. I would think, if she were some radical and corrupt extremist, the people of her state would not be giving her such a high rating.
Pork is a bridge to nowhere designed to benifit a few wealthy citizens at the harm of the American people.

She was for this bridge until Stevens got him dumb ass caught and then of course she was against it.

Well Stevens was responsible for that, he was a Senator in Congress, but the Governor doesn't have anything to do with how Congress votes to spend our money. She ultimately said "no thanks" to the bridge, and it had nothing to do with Stevens problems. You guys keep hanging on to this, and you just sound stupidly desperate, no one is going to buy it. So the Governor accepted Federal money for her state? What fucking governor hasn't? And how much 'pork' has Joe Biden actually voted for, fought for, and delivered to his state?
And who voted her in?

The people of Alaska who have chosen a pack of criminals to represent them for years now.
BTW congress had already took the death hammer to the bridge dude.

Actually, Congress approved the funding, Palin killed the project when she turned it down. And... OH by the way....

Obama and Biden Voted for Bridge to Nowhere

By John Powers, Chicago Daily Observer

Now that Alaska is front and center in the news again, it is a good time to catch up on a favorite story, The Bridge to Nowhere, using the Washington Post US Congress Votes Database.

Though Gov. Palin originally supported the earmark spending on the Ketchikan bridge (“to nowhere), she eventually killed the project, chosing to spend Federal money on other infrasturcture programs.

However, Sen. Biden and Sen. Obama voted for funding the Bridge, even when given a second chance by Sen. Tom Coburn, who proposed shifting earmark funds to Katrina relief.

Sen. McCain did not vote on the Coburn Amendment, though he is on record as opposing the Ketchikan bridge earmark.

Aww.... too bad, I guess this means you can't vote for Obama/Biden now, huh?
Republican really have no elite for that VP job. They cheer at this one when they found her like old men found a viagra. Pick up any one in the House would be better qualified than her. She is more experienced to wear a bikini than to wear a uniform. Can you imagine she be the president of the US if McCain fails? She is a blank either in foreign affairs, military and judiciary. Yet GOP seems load all hopes on her? Is that too childish?

Best post you have ever made Kath. :clink:
What foreign affairs experience does Obama have?
What military experience does Obama have?
Judiciary? Yeah, Obama is a lawyer... you got us there! lol

So.... is it 'too childish' for liberal democrats to load all hopes on Obama as well?

It wasn't as good as my response.