Palin Unpopularity Grows (just for Dixie)


Junior Member
Palin Unpopularity Grows
Gov. Palin's been dogged by difficulties, including the Oct. 10 finding that she abused her power as governor in seeking the dismissal of an Alaska state trooper and the controversy this week over the Republican National Committee spending $150,000 on clothes for her and her family.

Palin said the wardrobe controversy was fueled by gender bias.

However, her overall favorability rating -- the most basic measure of a public figure's popularity -- has fallen more steeply among women, by 17 points, and among white women, by 21 points, than it has among men, an eight-point drop.

At her peak, after the Republican convention, 59 percent of likely voters held an overall favorable opinion of Palin.

Now that's down to 46 percent, while 51 percent see her unfavorably. Majority disfavor is danger for any public figure; so is its intensity -- and an unusually large 40 percent have a "strongly" unfavorable opinion of Palin.

Men now divide about evenly on Palin, 51-46 percent favorable-unfavorable, down from 59-24 percent Sept. 7. Women, though, have gone from 58-33 percent then to 41-56 percent now, currently viewing her unfavorably by a 15-point margin.

Another group in which Palin's rating has fallen especially steeply is among mainline or nonevangelical white Protestants -- a 24-point drop, from 70 percent favorable in early September to 46 percent today.

This is the same usually pro-Republican group that has moved toward Obama, now supporting him by a 10-point margin, enough to counteract his shortfall among usually swing-voting white Catholics.

Palin's also lost ground on her main stake, the common touch -- a 10-point drop in the number who believe she "understands the problems of people like you." (Again, the decline has occurred disproportionately among women.)

And about six in 10 likely voters continue to say she lacks the experience to serve effectively as president. That doesn't help McCain, given the level of concerns about his age.


From Dixie

Let's talk about the "undecided vote" for a moment as well. Before the Palin pick, I would have been considered a "likely to vote but undecided." I now support McCain with Palin on the ticket. Now I am sure there are some "likely to vote undecided's" who will settle on Obama because of Biden, maybe people who went to school with Biden or something... but I think a lot of them are going to be impressed with the idea of a fresh face in Washington, and a 'normal American' voice on the Hill. Just a hunch!

Now that we can get into full 'campaign mode' and hear the candidates stump speeches and listen to what they actually have to say to the voters on the issues, we will see even more of a shift toward the leadership in a McCain/Palin ticket, and a fundamental realization of who represents actual "change" in Washington. Obama and Biden will look like the status quot, yesterday's news, stale, out of touch hypocrites and elitist liberal politicians they are, and the poll numbers will continue to plummet. A lot of people think Biden is an absolute idiot, there is a reason he never could win the nomination of your party! Not to mention, his propensity to say the most utterly stupid shit! He is just as bad as Dubya, but he tends to make extremely bigoted remarks, alot! Especially when he get's flustered, and as the poll numbers continue to drop, watch and see! It will happen before this election is over, right before your very eyes.

By October, you will be hoping and praying to the god you don't believe in, on your knees with Micheal Moore, that some miraculous 'October Surprise' will emerge and revive your once glorious ascension of the Messiah Obama. You will be wondering, where did all these people come from, and why are the polls so drastically different now! Try to remember that Dixie told you, it is the Moral Majority in America, who generally don't have a reason to get 'energized' for an election.

Yes, there is indeed a reason for Pinheads typing away until their fingers bleed, trying to destroy Sarah Palin... they KNOW... they SENSE IT ...This is dangerous, and must be stopped! Let's hurry and gin up a bunch of dirt, make shit up if we must, distort facts, outright lie if we have to... but destroy her now! If we can just force McCain into dropping her, we win! ....I can just hear them in the liberal war room now!!

Looks like she's kind of an idiot, Dix. It looks like people see that too. And it sure looks like she's not bringing about that huge shift in the polls you were screaming about after she was picked. Remember how you said we had no idea what was coming?
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I love this, thanks for posting it! Special thanks for taking the break from being on your knees praying with michael moore, for some glorious october surprise!
Amazing. I wonder if Obama or Biden ever used their power to have someone fired .... we are talking about The Messiah and Joe the Catholic Baptist here ...they do no wrong.
I wonder if Obama and Biden ever used campaign money to beef up their wardrobes... no we are talking about The Messiah and Joe the Catholic Baptist here the eyes of the media they do no wrong.

And this is coming from someone who is probably going to vote for them.
How sick is it to go all "saintly" on the opposition because your team is a total scumbag express?

Im so impressed with how insanely they right base cleaves to the idea of party over country.
How sick is it to go all "saintly" on the opposition because your team is a total scumbag express?

Im so impressed with how insanely they right base cleaves to the idea of party over country.

lol!! Coming from you? roflmao ...
It's kind of funny that a woman has fallen far more in opinion amongst women than men. More proof that she's nothing but and eskimo barbie.