Palin used correct terminology--bided did not.


"our oil companies are making too much profit, and I want to impose a "windfall" profits tax on them (only)."

1st of all--a windfall profit is profit for doing nothing. Corp profits by making and selling product is not a windfall profit.

2nd--profits are different from profit margines. Our small oil companies (compared to OPEC monolopy) make about a 7 to 8% profit margine. Google, on the other hand has a profit margine of about 23%. Per dollar spent--who is making more profit? Google, by almost three times the profit margine of the oil companies here in the USA.

This brings us to what Pain correctly labeled as "distribution of wealth". Distrubution of wealth is a marxist/communist ideology--not a American individual ideology. Biden calls it "fairness" because he does not dare call it in public for what it really is. Marxism.

You are voting for marxism if you vote for obama/biden. if you can't see that--you will help erode the only nation in the world that still offers (somewhat--because marxism is already started here) freedom and individual liberities.

Facts are facts. bidens "fairness" deception, is "distribution of wealth", and is only targeting a indsutry that they choose.

This vote will not make your grandchildren very happy---when they learn what you refuse to acknoledge, that America used to offer the individual, where anybody can strive with a personal will.

by the way---I just broke 100 grand for the first time in my life. There is still one quarter left, and I hope to double it next year. One reason why my profits are higher than my competition in Europe? They have to charge almost twice as much to make a profit. I may put them out of business because they are stuck in socialism.
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General McClellan:

commie worthless fag! no matter how it is pronounced.

what is it like---going through your life with no ambition or self worth? I bet--you have seen a few shrinks---right?

Go live ion France--where you will have a baby sitter. Your a worthless human being--and a drain on others efforts. fact is fact.
how about you highly educated individual self proclaimed brains dispute the facts I layed out above.

and you think Palin is dumb?--because that is what you have been told.

worthless liberal marxist Americans--not even American.

If palin saw the marxists on this board--she might change her mind about abortion.

die commies die!
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OK who troll is this guy?

zero substance---again. How do you justify your existance? die commie die!

Is this all you got? you don't have any facts for a argumenmt that distribution of wealth is not American?

die commie die.
You are voting for marxism if you vote for obama/biden. if you can't see that--you will help erode the only nation in the world that still offers (somewhat--because marxism is already started here) freedom and individual liberities.

I must have missed the part of Obama's issues section where he discussed nationalizing the entire market and giving all of the profits to the workers.