Palin was a terrable pick, Rommney may have won it.


Well-known member
Looking at things now, it is clear that Palin was a terrable pick. McCain could have chosen Bozo the clown and it would have been about the same ultimate result.

Palin is not much more than a trained monkey, lots of personality but no substance.

Had McCain chosen Romney and not "suspended his campaign" I belive he would have won. Romney at least has some ability regarding the economie.
I said it long ago. If he picked anybody other than Romney he had lost. Surprises like this are too risky. But still the Ds can find a way to pull defeat from the jaws of victory. I'll wait until election day to find out the results.
Every day that passes an Obama presidency is looking more and more likely, however, they can still find a way to loose. I feel good about Obama's chances and given even odds Id bet on an Obama win.
Maybe hard to say. Rommney sure would have instilled more confidence in the teams ability to deal with the economy.
Obama was a shoe in no matter who McCian picked, at least Palin can get the Evangelicals excited and give McCain a boost. Romney doesn't do shit.
so if it was romney you might have voted for Obama?

If I fell off a building, landed on my head, and required a lobotomy... maybe I would have voted for Obama... particularly if ACORN wooed me with wonderful goodies leading up to the election. Aside from that, I can see no scenario where I would ever vote for Obama.
Romney at least has some ability regarding the economie.

Hey you 'brilliant and highly-educated liberal who knows more than the rest of us' ...It's "ECONOMY" not "economie" ...just so you know. But it was nice of you to enlighten us with your profound wisdom on the subject.
Today, it looks even more likely Obama has this thing in the bag, but I wont say its OVER just yet.