Palin's Experience...

Much has been made the past week, of Governor Palin's experience. While it is true, she has absolutely no experience selling her vote to special interests in Washington, or attending the beltway cocktail circuits, and is not a part of the DC establishment, she does have experience Obama will never have.

No, I am not talking about her being a governor, it is possible for Obama to achieve that experience someday. I am not talking about her experience as a Mayor, because it's certainly possible Obama might be elected Mayor in the future. It's not that she has been responsible for a state budget, or commander in chief of a state militia, those are all possibilities for Obama as well.

Palin is the mother of five children, and that is an experience Obama will never obtain. Now, many of you may laugh at that, and scoff at how that doesn't make any difference in leadership ability, but I venture to say, those who protest, have never raised five children. I'm sure we all know someone in our personal lives, who has raised 5 (or more) kids, and if you think about them for a moment, weren't they among the strongest, most resilient people you know? It takes a special kind of character and diplomacy to be able to raise five kids, especially in today's world.

Maybe this isn't a 'traditional' qualification to be Vice President, but it should be. Having to preside over a family this large, takes a profound understanding of diplomacy and courage, and when you add a special needs child into the mix, even more strength and resolve. When you look at the job of a Mother of five, and the job of the Vice President, the biggest difference is Palin would be presiding over 100 kids instead. I think Motherhood alone, is her best experience for this job.
I'm actually speechless.

I am without speech. Devoid of it.

See, Topper isn't the only one with mommy issues, dixie has them too. I think it's quite common in the right wing male. Studies have shown they start out as disturbed children, makes sense.
yeah the whiney ones grow up to be republicans from a study I read once.

They are also obsessed with boobie size. I know you will say, oh all men are. But I have noticed that liberal men don't really care if they aren't that big. It's a mommy thing. I'm a little on the stacked side myself, to be honest, and it's caused me some misery because I am attracting these right wing mommy freaks left and right usc.
They are also obsessed with boobie size. I know you will say, oh all men are. But I have noticed that liberal men don't really care if they aren't that big. It's a mommy thing. I'm a little on the stacked side myself, to be honest, and it's caused me some misery because I am attracting these right wing mommy freaks left and right usc.

lol wtf darla.
LOL! Liberal men don't like boobs. Who knew?

Actually, I like *ss and don't really care about breasts. Hmm, maybe I'm really a liberal.
They are also obsessed with boobie size. I know you will say, oh all men are. But I have noticed that liberal men don't really care if they aren't that big. It's a mommy thing. I'm a little on the stacked side myself, to be honest, and it's caused me some misery because I am attracting these right wing mommy freaks left and right usc.

LOL. What a problem to have.....

To me big ones are nice and so are little ones. But then I am a male even if not a right wingnut.
Playthings are one thing though and partners are another.
They are also obsessed with boobie size. I know you will say, oh all men are. But I have noticed that liberal men don't really care if they aren't that big. It's a mommy thing. I'm a little on the stacked side myself, to be honest, and it's caused me some misery because I am attracting these right wing mommy freaks left and right usc.

Boobs are overrated. I can still please my man with or without them! And I know this for a fact, he he! Mine are smaller and I like them that way. Clothes fit better, and you have to keep the stomach trim so it doesn't stick out further than your boobs!
I think this is rich... I start a thread respecting the monumental job of motherhood, and duhla turns it into a debate on hooters... and I AM THE SEXIST?


...I'm with you Oncie... speechless!
Boobs are overrated. I can still please my man with or without them! And I know this for a fact, he he! Mine are smaller and I like them that way. Clothes fit better, and you have to keep the stomach trim so it doesn't stick out further than your boobs!

Yep Froggie it is mostly in the attitude.
Much has been made the past week, of Governor Palin's experience. While it is true, she has absolutely no experience selling her vote to special interests in Washington, or attending the beltway cocktail circuits, and is not a part of the DC establishment, she does have experience Obama will never have.

No, I am not talking about her being a governor, it is possible for Obama to achieve that experience someday. I am not talking about her experience as a Mayor, because it's certainly possible Obama might be elected Mayor in the future. It's not that she has been responsible for a state budget, or commander in chief of a state militia, those are all possibilities for Obama as well.

Palin is the mother of five children, and that is an experience Obama will never obtain. Now, many of you may laugh at that, and scoff at how that doesn't make any difference in leadership ability, but I venture to say, those who protest, have never raised five children. I'm sure we all know someone in our personal lives, who has raised 5 (or more) kids, and if you think about them for a moment, weren't they among the strongest, most resilient people you know? It takes a special kind of character and diplomacy to be able to raise five kids, especially in today's world.

Maybe this isn't a 'traditional' qualification to be Vice President, but it should be. Having to preside over a family this large, takes a profound understanding of diplomacy and courage, and when you add a special needs child into the mix, even more strength and resolve. When you look at the job of a Mother of five, and the job of the Vice President, the biggest difference is Palin would be presiding over 100 kids instead. I think Motherhood alone, is her best experience for this job.

What about her lack of education Dixie? Are you going to argue that education doesn't matter? Is a BA in basket weaving from Idaho State U a better qualification for the highest office then a BA from Columbia and A Juris Doctorate, Magna Cum Laude, from Harvard?

Since you're so critical of Obama's experience and are now drinking the party kool-aid about Palin let's look at their relative experiences.


Education. BA Political Science, Columbia. Juris Doctorate (JD), Magna Cum Laude, Harvard. Editor and President of Harvard Law Review.

Work Experience. Taught Constitutional Law at one of the nations top Law Schools, University of Chicago, for 12 years. Practicing Attorney, as Associate and Counsel, for 11 years with Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland. 11 years Legislative Experience as State of Illinois and US Senator. Has served on Board of Directors of such organizations as Woods Fund of Chicago, Public Allies, The Joyce Foundation, The Chicago Annenberg Challenge,the Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the Center for Neighborhood Technology, and the Lugenia Burns Hope Center.

There is also the experience and vetting of organizing, funding and running his Presidential campaign. No mean feat considering he won his parties nomination for President of the United States.

Sarah Palin;

Education. Attended Hawaii Pacific College for 1 semester majoring in Business Administration. Flunked out. Completed a BS in Journalism at University of Idaho.

Work Experience. 1 year TV Sports Reporter. 5 years commercial fishing. 3 years City council Wasilla, AK. Mayor 6 years. Chair of Alaska Oil and Gas Commission, less then 2 years. 2.5 years as Director of a Republican 527 group. Governor of Alaska a little more than a year and a half.

Mrs. Palin is just beginning the process of being vetted nationally.

So on the balances both persons have significant accomplishments but;

Obama has by far the superior education.
Obama has by far more political experience.
Obama has by far more professional experience.
Obama has by far more legal expertise.
Both have comparable administrative experience.
Obama has been publicly vetted.
Palin has several years more executive experience.
Palin is still being publicly vetted.