palin's husband reply

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
i do not believe in your investigation therefore i will not cooperate with it

now the people that said that this was just a way to get at mcsame's vp (even though the investigation was going on before he selected her) have egg on their faces because the investigation is not thought to be finished until after the nov election

oh well
Hey Don... You are aware that AFTER she was selected as McCain's running mate, the Democrats sent a crack team of lawyers and investigators to Alaska, to dig up shit on Palin, and the people who's corrupt toes she stepped on in Alaska, launched an "independent" investigation of the 'troopergate' thing, not affiliated with the official state investigation... you did know this, right?

This so-called "investigation" has nothing to do with the state-conducted investigation, it is essentially designed to do exactly what you are using it to do, cast some doubt on her credibility. She is not obligated to participate or cooperate in such a sham, and good for her and her husband, for refusing to cooperate.
Hey Don... You are aware that AFTER she was selected as McCain's running mate, the Democrats sent a crack team of lawyers and investigators to Alaska, to dig up shit on Palin, and the people who's corrupt toes she stepped on in Alaska, launched an "independent" investigation of the 'troopergate' thing, not affiliated with the official state investigation... you did know this, right?

This so-called "investigation" has nothing to do with the state-conducted investigation, it is essentially designed to do exactly what you are using it to do, cast some doubt on her credibility. She is not obligated to participate or cooperate in such a sham, and good for her and her husband, for refusing to cooperate.

Oh please Dixie. Do you think the republicans haven't had a "crack team of lawyers" trying to find shit on Obama?

Its the way the game is played.

If you can't handle it then you should not be in national politics.
Oh please Dixie. Do you think the republicans haven't had a "crack team of lawyers" trying to find shit on Obama?

Its the way the game is played.

If you can't handle it then you should not be in national politics.

We do and did post the info, yet you still selected him. Must be liberal white guilt, the only logical reason I can think of as to why he was selected.
Hey Don... You are aware that AFTER she was selected as McCain's running mate, the Democrats sent a crack team of lawyers and investigators to Alaska, to dig up shit on Palin, and the people who's corrupt toes she stepped on in Alaska, launched an "independent" investigation of the 'troopergate' thing, not affiliated with the official state investigation... you did know this, right?

This so-called "investigation" has nothing to do with the state-conducted investigation, it is essentially designed to do exactly what you are using it to do, cast some doubt on her credibility. She is not obligated to participate or cooperate in such a sham, and good for her and her husband, for refusing to cooperate.

i guess that would explain the group of crack lawyers from texas hired by reps to represent the palins...:pke:the refusal will delay the investigation until after the election but not get rid of it
The thing is, there is nothing to investigate. Palin didn't do anything wrong. She certainly didn't do anything remotely as bad as Clinton, regarding state troopers whom he fired after they revealed his extra-marital affairs. That's providing that all the allegations and rumors about Palin are true, which they are not. This thing has no legs, which it why it wasn't a factor when John McCain picked her. Do you think he is so utterly stupid as to nominate someone with even the slightest chance of being indicted for abuse of power?

Oh, I already know and expect, liberals are going to bluster up as much smoke as possible, and pretend it's a raging inferno, it's what they do best. And a certain number of pinheads are going to believe the rumors, not accept the facts, and continue to insist Plain did something wrong, when she didn't. The koolaid effects their brain like that.
The thing is, there is nothing to investigate. Palin didn't do anything wrong. She certainly didn't do anything remotely as bad as Clinton, regarding state troopers whom he fired after they revealed his extra-marital affairs. That's providing that all the allegations and rumors about Palin are true, which they are not. This thing has no legs, which it why it wasn't a factor when John McCain picked her. Do you think he is so utterly stupid as to nominate someone with even the slightest chance of being indicted for abuse of power?

Oh, I already know and expect, liberals are going to bluster up as much smoke as possible, and pretend it's a raging inferno, it's what they do best. And a certain number of pinheads are going to believe the rumors, not accept the facts, and continue to insist Plain did something wrong, when she didn't. The koolaid effects their brain like that.
Clinton was Worse! Clinton was Worse! Clinton was Worse! Clinton was Worse! Clinton was Worse!
To the commie liberials who forgot what country they live in, or don't even live here in the USA------Americans have the right not to incriminate themselfs.

The bottom line is, the commie left and homo media can't find anything on them (and they can't believe anybody is that clean), and now they want the Palins themselfs to help them incriminate themselfs. Yea---nice try---wrong country loosers!!

Palins know American values that you commies ignore, and I would tell them to dig for themselves also. Then they hack private computers.--again--wrong country fuckers!!!!

Your base logic is fucked up--and allows mindless drivel ruin your lives--and ours.
The thing is, there is nothing to investigate. Palin didn't do anything wrong. She certainly didn't do anything remotely as bad as Clinton, regarding state troopers whom he fired after they revealed his extra-marital affairs. That's providing that all the allegations and rumors about Palin are true, which they are not. This thing has no legs, which it why it wasn't a factor when John McCain picked her. Do you think he is so utterly stupid as to nominate someone with even the slightest chance of being indicted for abuse of power?

Oh, I already know and expect, liberals are going to bluster up as much smoke as possible, and pretend it's a raging inferno, it's what they do best. And a certain number of pinheads are going to believe the rumors, not accept the facts, and continue to insist Plain did something wrong, when she didn't. The koolaid effects their brain like that.

Your a good American---SIR!!! Thank you for being a real American.
Hey Don... You are aware that AFTER she was selected as McCain's running mate, the Democrats sent a crack team of lawyers and investigators to Alaska, to dig up shit on Palin, and the people who's corrupt toes she stepped on in Alaska, launched an "independent" investigation of the 'troopergate' thing, not affiliated with the official state investigation... you did know this, right?

This so-called "investigation" has nothing to do with the state-conducted investigation, it is essentially designed to do exactly what you are using it to do, cast some doubt on her credibility. She is not obligated to participate or cooperate in such a sham, and good for her and her husband, for refusing to cooperate.

the investigation started before she was selected
let's see the dem stategy is let's be fucking scumbags like the cons. Oh no wonder congress approval is below 1in 5.
fuckin pussyass weak minded socialist dens are trying to sink Obama.
To the commie liberials who forgot what country they live in, or don't even live here in the USA------Americans have the right not to incriminate themselfs.

The bottom line is, the commie left and homo media can't find anything on them (and they can't believe anybody is that clean), and now they want the Palins themselfs to help them incriminate themselfs. Yea---nice try---wrong country loosers!!

Palins know American values that you commies ignore, and I would tell them to dig for themselves also. Then they hack private computers.--again--wrong country fuckers!!!!

Your base logic is fucked up--and allows mindless drivel ruin your lives--and ours.

Ich bin einen der Republicaner, ja?

My Uncle, before he passed away a couple of years ago, ironically noted about you wingnuts that it was extremely ironic that he nearly died defending this nation and spent 2 years as a POW in a Germany just to preserve fascism for right wing rednecks like you.

Well thank God he and his liberal commie buddies did fight fascism or we'd all be stiff arming a swaztika right now and saying "Zeig Heil Bush!"

He was also the one that pointed out to me how the Republicans are using the Goebbels propaganda method to advance their political agenda via Faux News, and Goebbel's protoge's Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, et al.

Let me tell you my red neck friend. The far right is one hell of a lot closer to the slippery slope of fascism then the political left of this nation is to socialism and communism.

So who do you, my fine fascist friend, want to start throwing into incincerators to protect Americas rednecks? LIberals? Nigers? Wetbacks? Gooks? Mackaral Snappers?