paralleling the APP discussion on Morality....


fully immersed in faith..
Who defines morality, and is it moral to impose a personal or religious definition on others?

Many who have claimed to be moral have not been so according to the standards of morality defined by others.

If actions are said to be moral, how is that conclusion arrived at?

It's been said that winners write history in keeping with their moral outlook. Is that moral?

responding here because I can't remain in APP for a week without getting kicked.....

each person chooses his own moral standards.......many religions or cultural groups propose standards but the individual must still choose which to follow or even how to define them in application to their daily lives.......

society may believe that a person is immoral because he does not comply with their standards, but the reality is a person only acts immorally if he violates those standards which he has chosen for himself......

thus Hannibal Lector may be considered immoral by society but apparently cannibalism was within the standards he chose for himself......thus, he would consider himself as acting morally.......