Parasite Economy


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Regardless of the dead and injured caused by vaccines, Democrats will continue to get trillions of tax dollars every year to complete transforming a private sector economy into a parasite economy. That has been the Communist Party’s primary objective for more than a century.


It took a fake pandemic to bring all of the Democrat Party’s plans and aspirations to fruition.

Forget the legitimate concerns about the safety and efficacy of these shots. The facts – repeat, facts – of "breakthrough" hospitalizations of fully vaccinated people as well as the massive numbers of serious injuries and deaths post-jab are being brutally suppressed. "The carnage [from the vaccine] is unimaginable," writes commentator Wayne Allyn Root. "Over 13,000 dead and about 600,000 injured in the USA. Another 20,000 dead and about 2 million injured from the vaccine in the EU. But those are just the reported numbers. History (and a Harvard study in 2010) proves only about 1% of vaccine deaths and injuries are reported. So the real number is anywhere from 10 times to 100 times higher."

No wonder so many people are "vaccine hesitant." But don't expect these numbers to be reported any time soon. After all, the surgeon general also says there's not nearly enough social media censorship.

Will vax mandates spur the demise of U.S. economy?
By Patrice Lewis
Published August 27, 2021 at 7:24pm

The final transformation to a parasite economy began with the trillions of tax dollars then-President Trump signed. Biden/Pelosi’s 3.5 trillion ONE YEAR economic plan picks up where Trump left off. In plain English, the sky’s the limit from now on until every Communist is driven out of government. No small task when you count the number of millionaire/billionaire parasites getting wealthier on tax dollars every day.

Communists should have been hunted and shot down like rabid dogs a century ago. It might be too late to do it now because far too many Socialists control the levers of power in today’s federal government. The only hope —— short of a bloody revolution —— is to repeal the XVI Amendment. Even with repeal, a lot of legislation will be needed to restore individual liberties that only a private sector economy can provide.

Do not look to the SCOTUS for any help. Federal courts did more to create today’s parasite economy than did all of the federal government bureaucrats put together. After the Democrat Party’s parasite economy is fully enforced the Supreme Court will make it impossible to return to limited government.

Finally, I call it a “parasite economy.” Here is one synonym that will do just as well:

priest economy.

p.s. Start with priests when killing rabid dogs becomes unavoidable.

T.J. would have singled out Communist priests had he foreseen what they are doing.
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It’s women. Bux county

To stir the pot means to make unnecessary trouble, to agitate, to provoke.
Someone who will stir the pot will often cause squabbles between others
involved in an endeavor. She may stir the pot to destroy a project, to cause
the project to turn out in her favor, or simply because she enjoys making

That’s her mother over there. You see the kid next door, he’s Italian. :rolleyes:

You can do it hun. When the time comes.You will not be getting anymore lunch money.
We don’t discuss your fucking lies

To evince: Asshole! Discuss Biden’s lies:

Sneaky Joe Biden is asking environmental freakazoids to give his parasite economy a helping hand:

President Joe Biden wants to combat climate change by paying more farmers not to farm. But he’s already finding it’s hard to make that work.

A program that pays farmers not to farm isn't saving the planet
08/29/2021 07:00 AM EDT

At least FDR was honest about his parasite economy:

If the newly elected Republican congressmen and senators are really serious about their desire for limited government, they should move swiftly to curtail the huge farm subsidy program. It has been a failure right from its start in 1933 under President Franklin Roosevelt. F.D.R.'s Agricultural Adjustment Act sought to cure the problem of overproduction of crops, and low prices for those crops, by paying farmers not to produce. If farmers were paid not to produce on part of their land, they would harvest smaller crops and that would in turn raise prices of those crops.

What happened when we paid farmers not to produce? First, Americans had to pay more for bread, corn and cotton shirts. The higher prices for farmers meant price increases for customers buying farm products.

The Depression-era farm system has survived not because it worked well, but because farmers lobbied to keep it.

Second, because farmers were growing smaller crops, we used up more quickly the food being grown, and soon had to import the very crops we were paying farmers not to produce. In 1935, the U.S. imported 36 million pounds of cotton, 13 million bushels of wheat, and 34 million bushels of corn.

In other words, we paid farmers not to produce what we were paying foreigners to send us from overseas. All of this during a Great Depression, when 10 million Americans were unemployed and needed the cheap food the U.S. government was refusing to allow farmers to produce.

Why did such a strange farm subsidy system survive and persist? Not because it worked well, but because farmers lobbied to keep it. They enjoyed the extra income from being paid to set aside part of their land. Subsidies beat the whims of a free market. Since our farmers are the best equipped farmers in the world, why not drop the subsidies and let them grow what they can, and let the U.S. export food to the rest of the world.

F.D.R.’s Disastrous Experiment
Burton Folsom Jr.
Updated November 21, 2010, 7:00 PM