Parasite Projects


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Two decades after its destruction in the Sept. 11 attacks, the work to rebuild the World Trade Center complex remains incomplete.

Ground Zero Rebuilding Still Unfinished, 20 Years Later
Thursday, 09 September 2021 09:46 AM

Why am I not surprised?

Remember when the lying sack of shit deliberately referred to private sector workers and lazy government bums as one entity. He does the same thing with the shrinking private sector middle class and the ever-expanding Parasite Class. The education/media/entertainment complex let him get away with it. Were Obama to separate wealth creators from parasites in his rhetoric the public might start asking the right question.

Why do frustrated priests, lazy bums, and parasites go into government?

Nobody can say bums in bloated government bureaucracies work at all. If that is not enough proof for you compare the length of time it took to complete public projects from start to finish during the Great Depression to the length of time it takes today’s parasite to complete anything —— not to mention the time it took to build the nation before Socialists began tearing it down.

Before you disagree with my interpretation use Boston’s Big Dig as your guide. To be fair, Boston’s Boondoggle was completed in 10 years; a rarity among parasite projects.

It didn’t just cost a lot of money. The copy-and-paste phrase on reporters’ computers was that it was “plagued by cost overruns,” ballooning from $2.6 billion to nearly $15 billion ($24 billion, counting interest on the debt). It didn’t simply take more time than expected; it was eight years behind schedule by the time it was done. And it didn’t just have flaws. There seemed to be mistakes at every turn, making the price tag even more laughable, from design blueprints that didn’t line up properly, to the faulty mixing of concrete, to, most tragically, a ceiling collapse that killed a car passenger in one of the new tunnels.

10 years later, did the Big Dig deliver?
By Anthony Flint
December 29, 2015


Private sector Americans worked on public projects in the 1930s then left when the project was finished —— usually in two or three years. Today’s parasites give themselves lifetime tenure simply by making a public project last for decades. If those filthy bums had to build Boulder Dam, or the Golden Gate Bridge, or the Lincoln Tunnel, it would take today’s parasites at least fifty years. In short: A well-connected young parasite can retire with a fat pension after beginning work on a pubic project at age 20.

Finally, one parasite project even destroyed a city:

San Francisco used to be a large city with a small town atmosphere. That all changed when they started building the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) in the late 1960s. Eleven years after BART opened for business in 1972 Nutso went to the U.S. House of Representative. It was about that time that San Francisco began its long decent into an open sewer. Nutso helped it along when she gave her Communist pal, Mikhail Gorbachev, offices in the Presidio:

NOTE: I find it interesting that the City By The Bay became a garbage dump after Gorbachev’s Green Peace set up shop. I assume Gorby and Nutso never look beyond beyond the beautiful trees in the Presidio for fear they might see the garbage in the streets.

Importing diseases is Nutso’s claim to fame; so why should San Francisco’s politicians spend a lot time cleaning up their city’s filth. After all, voters in San Francisco sent Pelosi to Washington for 35 years.
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Importing diseases is Nutso’s claim to fame; so why should San Francisco’s politicians spend a lot time cleaning up their city’s filth. After all, voters in San Francisco sent Pelosi to Washington for 35 years.​

This is right out of Diarrhea Mouth’s play book:

CDC: Afghans Arriving in U.S. Infected with Measles, Malaria, Tuberculosis
by John Binder
20 Sep 2021