Part Multi 313 introduction

Part Multi 313

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It's a huge world at a single humans point of view. With communications technology and the internet forcing everything everywhere into instant availability you could easily forget how huge Earth can truly be. Take all of that away; the airplanes, vehicles, satellites, the internet; and suddenly your not half the powerful being you once were.

Technology controls the world. If You don't got the technology then you're not in control. Politics are conjecture, a pastime, a way to keep your attention without being doused in tense silence. Think about the amount of words, discussions and papers go into each government action these days. You could publish a book for each proposition or policy. It was that long ago a Kings decree would be simple, take one or two pages and stand as the divine authority in the land. Those were the quick days. Beurocracy and red tape and long marathon battles on how things are done are the order of today.

A lot of the time we are vexed with the amount of tricky politics thrown at us and usually what they approve doesn't happen and they do something fully different. You can't argue with them if youre a common folk, you can only hope that what they decide to do doesn't negatively affect you.

That is my take on politics.
I suppose this idea of re-introduction is good for the soul, like renewing your vows or painting your house.

I quote myself-
Politics are conjecture, a pastime, a way to keep your attention without being doused in silence. Think about the amount of words, discussions and papers that go into each government action these days. You could publish a book for each proposition or policy. It was that long ago a king's decree would be simple, take one or two pages and stand as the divine authority in the land. Those were the quick days. Bureaucracy, red tape and long marathon battles on how things are done are the order of today.

A lot of the time we are vexed with the amount of tricky politics thrown at us and usually what they approve doesn't happen and they do something fully different. You can't argue with them if you're common folk, you can only hope that what they decide to do doesn't negatively affect you.

That is my take on politics.

I like this statement on my impression of the political world because I am not that political of a person. The red tape in contrast to a king's decree is a good synonym; red tape symbolizes bloodshed, the time between decision and action. In a Republic such as the U.S.A. that redundant bloodshed is subverted through the use of politics and time consuming decision making. I would say that's what makes modern free governments so powerful. The old 'two minds are better than one' mantra.

Getting kicked around by government is truly frustrating especially when you know you're not in the wrong and you see people who are getting off the hook easy while being a lot worse than you'd ever been or consider being. That's politics. In a country this big you can expect that things get out of hand.