Pass Health Care so we can fix Social Security

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In October, the Social Security Administration will officially announce that there will not be an increase in benefits next year.

President Obama has said he will tackle Social Security next year, after Congress finishes work on health care, climate change and new financial regulations.

If we get our tax policies right so that they’re good for the middle class, if we reverse the policies of the last eight years that got us into this fix in the first place, then we are going to be in a position to deal with Social Security and deal with Medicare, because we will have a health care plan that actually works, reduces spending and costs over the long term, and Social Security that is stable and solvent for all Americans.
If Bush had had his way, the millions of seniors who rely on it would've had their Social Security tied up in the stock market when his policies caused the Depression we're in now.

The casino culture of the disgraced neocon-artists is something we can't afford.
Right now, the Trustees are saying there won't be a cost of living adjustment for the next two years thanks to Bush.

The good news is that inflation has been negative so far this year, because energy costs are below their Bush-era record highs.

Congress needs to act on health care reform, climate change, and the rest of the president's agenda while we have a breathing space.
I'm confident the president will address this issue in a way that will assure people that there’s something they can rely on, a base from which they can build their retirement security.

First Congress must pass his agenda.
Don't dare defend Bushco's tax cuts while you cry about the Social Security crisis.

The cost of making Bush’s tax cuts for the rich permanent would have equalled 3 & 1/2 times the size of the entire Social Security shortfall over 75 years.

The cost of extending the Bush tax cuts for only the wealthiest 1 percent would still have exceed the entire Social Security shortfall.

By restoring fairness to the tax code, we can address Social Security from the perspective that the protection of the bedrock of the system being an absolutely central value.
So you want to dismantle Social Security as well as oppose health care reform?
So you want to dismantle Social Security as well as oppose health care reform?

did i say that? face it, you have another government run program that is is the height of stupidity to say that we need to pass another huge government run program to fix one that is not working.....

and answer my question....why can't you do that? i've put it up 4 times now....
Social Security isn't working? How so?

you're more stupid than i thought.....your OP title:

Pass Health Care so we can fix Social Security

are you suggesting we fix something that isn't're nothing but a dnc memo talking point parrot that doesn't have an original thought....noticed you again chickened out from answering my question.....
Social Security doesn’t face an immediate crisis, as I pointed out, but thanks to Bush the program does require changes, and the sooner they’re made, the better.
Social Security doesn’t face an immediate crisis, as I pointed out, but thanks to Bush the program does require changes, and the sooner they’re made, the better.

why do we need to pass another huge government program to fix another huge government program that isn't working.....

why is it you can't answer that simple question? and SS was in a mess before bush came act as if the only thing wrong with SS is what bush're so partisan you don't even know what reality or truth is....not even remotely close
So you want to dismantle Social Security as well as oppose health care reform?

I'll happily answer that. Social Security should have never been passed in the first place. In addition to being an illegal program in violation of the enumerated powers of the Constitution, it is also horribly inefficient.

It is only the political lobbyists of the AARP that keep it entrenched.
I'll happily answer that. Social Security should have never been passed in the first place. In addition to being an illegal program in violation of the enumerated powers of the Constitution, it is also horribly inefficient.

It is only the political lobbyists of the AARP that keep it entrenched.

Explain to me why it is inefficient, thanks
why do we need to pass another huge government program to fix another huge government program that isn't working.....

why is it you can't answer that simple question? and SS was in a mess before bush came act as if the only thing wrong with SS is what bush're so partisan you don't even know what reality or truth is....not even remotely close

Thanks to the Bush financial meltdown coupled with his tax breaks for the rich, Social Security’s annual tax revenue no longer exceeds the benefits it pays out by enough to provide an adequate reserve. But you knew that already.