'Pathological liar': Internet blasts Joe Biden for reiterating false claim


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'Pathological liar': Internet blasts Joe Biden for reiterating false claim about traveling 17K miles with Xi Jinping

Joe Biden once again repeated a long-debunked claim of traveling 17,000 miles with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Daily Mail reported.

Speaking at a White House event on Thursday, April 4, marking Greek Independence Day, the 81-year-old doubled down on the false claims, recalling a conversation with his Chinese counterpart.

"I was once asked by Xi Jinping, and I traveled 17,000 miles with him- I was out at the Tibetan plateau. He looked at me and he said, 'can you define America?' I could say the same thing if he asked me to define Greece," Biden said.

"I said, 'yes, one word' and I mean this sincerely, it's recorded, I said, 'possibilities,'" he recounted.


Lie lie lie...thats all he does
Biden lies like most politicians lie. He's nowhere near pathological.

Trump IS a pathological liar, textbook. If honesty is a priority, I'm assuming you won't be voting for him?
“The internet”. So fucking priceless!

This forum is also “the internet” and it’s rife with RW ignorants, liars and trolls. So, for ANY Trumper (and I saw the tweets, including the RNC) to claim the propensity of Biden to lie is irony at its height.