Patriotic Attitude on Immigration



Theodore Roosevelt's ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907.

'In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language.. and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.'

Theodore Roosevelt 1907
That's how it should be today, but the far-left Progressives have ruined it for us. Time for a revolution.

Theodore Roosevelt's ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907.

'In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language.. and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.'

Theodore Roosevelt 1907
My Bad...TR

Here is what FDR had to say:

Franklin Roosevelt’s traditionalist sense of immigration and nationhood

While many conservatives see Franklin Roosevelt as the supreme liberal figure of the 20th century, we need to understand that on matters of national identity and immigration President Roosevelt was well to the right of most of today’s “conservatives.” On the 50th anniversary of the completion of the Statue of Liberty, October 28th, 1936, Roosevelt gave a speech at Liberty Island in New York Harbor in which he did not once pronounce the phrases “immigrant” or “immigration” or “nation of immigrants.” While movingly honoring the people who came to America in the past, he doesn’t make America’s acceptance of the immigrants the key thing, but the way the immigrants and their children became a part of and built up American civilization. American civilization is the key thing, not immigration. He also accepts without demur the radical reduction of immigration under the national quotas that started in 1921 and were made permanent in 1924. His acquiescence to the end of large-scale immigration may also be explained in part, but I think not in toto, by the Depression which would have drastically cut immigration to the U.S. even if the laws hadn't. Nevertheless, whatever the factors that shaped FDR’s conservative outlook on the subject of immigration, his language breathes an air and bespeaks a context utterly different from what we’ve come to know in post-1960s America: not liberal ideology, not “we are the world,” but America and the American people. It’s as though he sees the Great Wave of immigration at the beginning of the twentieth century as a particular thing that happened in our history, that is a part of what America is, but is neither the definition of America (“a nation of immigrants”), nor a precedent dictating an ongoing imperative on our nation. Also note that instead of despising Europe and its civilization, as today’s “conservatives” do, he honors it.

For over three centuries a steady stream of men, women and children followed the beacon of liberty which this light symbolizes. They brought to us strength and moral fibre developed in a civilization centuries old but fired anew by the dream of a better life in America. They brought to one new country the cultures of a hundred old ones.
It has not been sufficiently emphasized in the teaching of our history that the overwhelming majority of those who came from the Nations of the Old World to our American shores were not the laggards, not the timorous, not the failures. They were men and women who had the supreme courage to strike out for themselves, to abandon language and relatives, to start at the bottom without influence, without money and without knowledge of life in a very young civilization. We can say for all America what the Californians say of the Forty-Niners: “The cowards never started and the weak died by the way.”

Perhaps Providence did prepare this American continent to be a place of the second chance. Certainly, millions of men and women have made it that. They adopted this homeland because in this land they found a home in which the things they most desired could be theirs—freedom of opportunity, freedom of thought, freedom to worship God. Here they found life because here there was freedom to live.

It. is the memory of all these eager seeking millions that makes this one of America’s places of great romance. Looking down this great harbor I like to think of the countless numbers of inbound vessels that have made this port. I like to think of the men and women who, with the break of dawn off Sandy Hook, have strained their eyes to the west for a first glimpse of the New World.

They came to us—most of them—in steerage. But they, in their humble quarters, saw things in these strange horizons which were denied to the eyes of those few who traveled in greater luxury.

They came to us speaking many tongues—but a single language, the universal language of human aspiration.

How well their hopes were justified is proved by the record of what they achieved. They not only found freedom in the New World, but by their effort and devotion they made the New World’s freedom safer, richer, more far-reaching, more capable of growth.

Within this present generation, that stream from abroad has largely stopped. We have within our shores today the materials out of which we shall continue to build an even better home for liberty. [emphasis added.]

We take satisfaction in the thought that those who have left their native land to join us may still retain here their affection for some things left behind—old customs, old language, old friends. Looking to the future, they wisely choose that their children shall live in the new language and in the new customs of this new people. And those children more and more realize their common destiny in America. That is true whether their forebears came past this place eight generations ago or only one.
TR is saying NOTHING different from what conservatives espouse today with regards to immigration. Yet when conservatives say this we are labled xenophobes and racists.
If the shoes fit wear it. My wife is an immigrant. She agrees with you on assimilating to America and it's culture. She's done a great job. But according to ya'll she can't still lover her home country. That's a divided loyalty. She can't love both. According to ya'll she can only speak english cause to speak any other language isn't indicitive of her education and language skills it's proof to you she's not a loyal American.

Let me ask you this, considering my wife can speak english better than most members of this board, what business is it of yours if she wants to speak to someone in Tagalog or Mandarin? How does that make her disloyal?

Considering what she contributes, how does her flying both a Filipino flag and a US Flag outside our home make her any less of an Americna or a Filipino, please explain to me why she can't be both?

TR is wrong here and so are you. Someone can immigrate to this nation, be a loyal American and still love and be devoted to their heritage and original homeland. What your preposing is a false paradigm and that's why you are called xenophobes and racists.

BTW, how many immigrints do you personally know? Not just casual aquantences but really know?
If the shoes fit wear it. My wife is an immigrant. She agrees with you on assimilating to America and it's culture. She's done a great job. But according to ya'll she can't still lover her home country. That's a divided loyalty. She can't love both. According to ya'll she can only speak english cause to speak any other language isn't indicitive of her education and language skills it's proof to you she's not a loyal American.

Let me ask you this, considering my wife can speak english better than most members of this board, what business is it of yours if she wants to speak to someone in Tagalog or Mandarin? How does that make her disloyal?

Considering what she contributes, how does her flying both a Filipino flag and a US Flag outside our home make her any less of an Americna or a Filipino, please explain to me why she can't be both?

TR is wrong here and so are you. Someone can immigrate to this nation, be a loyal American and still love and be devoted to their heritage and original homeland. What your preposing is a false paradigm and that's why you are called xenophobes and racists.

BTW, how many immigrints do you personally know? Not just casual aquantences but really know?

I think you miss the heart of the matter. Which is that there did, and does exist a danger of not holding onto our own identity as a nation when it is not encouraged of those who immigrate that they embrace America. That the heart of the immigrant wishes to become American, not simply make it a place to be.

I "really know" and have "known" many people who have immigrated or are tring to immigrate to the US.