Paul Krugman on Charlie Rose last night

It's almost like Conservative leaders know their ideology is bogus. They don't even hesitate to turn to liberal fiscal policies when they see their fortunes in risk of going up in smoke. They're just fleecing the rubes for as much as they can while they can, getting them to vote against their own economic best interest. Then when push comes to shove, it's back to liberal fiscal policy to save the day until they can start stealing again.
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What do you mean "turn to liberal fiscal policies" ?

What do you think the bailout was? It certainly wasn't a product of conservative ideology. It's not socialism, but it's certainly not something you'd see in the fictional puritanical free market they're always worshiping.
Yeah but cut taxes and spend out the ass is conservative ?

Depends on which conservative you talk to.

Cutting taxes on the very wealthy has been a hallmark of conservative ideology for 30 years. The remorseless spending bullshit is something that's happened in the last 8.
Depends on which conservative you talk to.

Cutting taxes on the very wealthy has been a hallmark of conservative ideology for 30 years. The remorseless spending bullshit is something that's happened in the last 8.

Not just the last 8. "Reagan proved that defecits do not matter".
Yeah, reagan. He ran the national debt up to ungodly amounts. I guess since he's the mascott for the Conservatives (his policies are pretty much the word of God) then I guess the outrageous spending is a conservative hallmark as well.
Deficits ARE decieving, it is the return on the deficit that counts, income flows. There is also good arguments that deficits are OK when National Security is at stake. To me, 95% of our deficit is NOT a good investment however.