Paul Ryan's Family Is Rich Because of the Federal Government


Makes the ganglia twitch.
Great and funny as always....

The Rude Pundit was going to write a snarky, expletive-filled little rant about Rep. Paul Ryan today until he was listening to NPR talk about Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's selection for his running mate. The report mentioned how Ryan's family has deep roots in southern Wisconsin, and that his family made its fortune with a construction business, Ryan Incorporated, which was once "Ryan Brothers." And that it "built roads."

"Huh," the Rude Pundit thought. "Roads aren't generally built by private funding." So he did a little bit of googling, and what do you know?

The Ryan Incorporated Central webpage on the company's history says, "By the 1940's the Company had become a full-service grading contractor serving both private industrial and public transportation customers, including some of the original work at what would become O'Hare Airport."

But on the website for Ryan Incorporated Southern, headquartered in Florida (there are various divisions of Ryan and, yes, still from the company founded by his great-grandfather that's run by Ryan's cousins), it's a bit more explicit: "The Ryan workload from 1910 until the rural interstate Highway System was completed 60 years later, was mostly Highway construction."

And whose money built the interstate highway system? That'd be ours.

In other words, you know how Barack Obama talked about how your business didn't build the roads that allow you to do business? Well, if you are in the Midwest, chances are that Paul Ryan's family did build some of the roads. And they got to be amazingly successful because the federal government gave them six decades of contracts and millions upon millions of dollars to build them.

Are we clear here? We're talking about Paul Ryan, who, with his wife, is worth as much as $7.7 million and "much of the Ryans’ wealth is in the form of trusts and inheritances." For Rep. Ryan, those trusts and inheritances are a result of money that the federal government spent on infrastructure.

You wanna go further? Here's a list of defense contracts from the 1990s that went to Ryan Incorporated in its various forms. One of them, from 1996, is worth $5.6 million and went to Ryan Incorporated Central.

So, just to get this right, Paul Ryan and his family are beneficiaries of expanded government spending to improve infrastructure. They continue to benefit from government contracts, including state and local ones. That's Paul Ryan, whose budget would inevitably gut most infrastructure spending and who, with Mitt Romney, wants to shrink federal spending to the point where, if the federal government had felt that way throughout a good chunk of the 20th century, his family would not have made a dime and, well, then we would have never heard about Paul Ryan.

That's the depth of hypocrisy in play here.

Read the rest with links here...
I wonder who he hates? It's weird because not only all of this, but when his father died his family received SS survivor benefits and Ryan banked them and that's how he paid for his education. So here you have a guy who has benefited so greatly from the social safety net, as well as from the federal government. But his entire ideology is making sure that those after him don't get the same benefits. So who does he hate? Himself for being on the dole? Or his mother for being on the dole? Or his father for dying and leaving him on the dole?

I mean, you'd need a team of psychiatrists to figure out this psychopath, but I am really not that interested. You know, every maladjust has a story. As long as he is kept far away from the power to inflict his revenge on others. Whomever that revenge is really meant for. Does it matter? Not to me.
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No it doesn't matter in the end...he's too radical for America and his being chosen for the VP pick just clarifies how insane the right really is.
and I can say...we the public payed for it...we're the consumers, the real job creators.
Where do you live? Ask Romney what his job program is. Ask the republicans what their job program is. You tell me...what do people want. Do they want a job that pays enough to raise a family, buy a home, have medical care? Everyones medical care depends on having a job...if people are out of work they lose their medical care. Why are people out of work? Do you really think it's because of taxes or the DEA...really? Your question isn't worth the effort to answer, get real.

Ryan is an ideologue who's entire life has been attached to the public teat yet he hates government. He's insane.
Where do you live? Ask Romney what his job program is. Ask the republicans what their job program is. You tell me...what do people want. Do they want a job that pays enough to raise a family, buy a home, have medical care? Everyones medical care depends on having a job...if people are out of work they lose their medical care. Why are people out of work? Do you really think it's because of taxes or the DEA...really? Your question isn't worth the effort to answer, get real.

Michigan, where unemployment was worse than the rest of the country for most of Obama's administration......we've been asking Obama what his jobs program is for four years with no results......time to give someone else a chance to change things....
Once more for the rubes in denial:

"much of the Ryans’ wealth is in the form of trusts and inheritances." For Rep. Ryan, those trusts and inheritances are a result of money that the federal government spent on infrastructure.

Rude Pundit rocks....
Michigan, where unemployment was worse than the rest of the country for most of Obama's administration......we've been asking Obama what his jobs program is for four years with no results......time to give someone else a chance to change things....
Do what you will but I'm not going to allow something as poisonous as the GOP back in power. You throw the baby out with the bath water types are anarchists that hate our country so much you'd dismantle everything then laugh at the chaos.

Darla said it well..

I mean, you'd need a team of psychiatrists to figure out this psychopath, but I am really not that interested. You know, every maladjust has a story. As long as he is kept far away from the power to inflict his revenge on others. Whomever that revenge is really meant for. Does it matter? Not to me.
Once more for the rubes in denial:

"much of the Ryans’ wealth is in the form of trusts and inheritances." For Rep. Ryan, those trusts and inheritances are a result of money that the federal government spent on infrastructure.

Rude Pundit rocks....
Ryan didn't build it....alone...which is what these dweebs don't get. Hyper individualism is crap.
You're right Romney/Ryan is sinking fast. If this country catches a break they'll both sink from sight like Palin has.
Funny what you find EVERY time you scratch the surface.

Airport bathroom gay sex

Govt. funding for Bain projects, where the company tanked, and Bain pockets millions.

Govt. money paying for Ryan's entire he calls for killing the govt.