Paul: US inching toward 'soft fascism'

Kamala Trump

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Paul: US inching toward 'soft fascism'
Press TV
Tuesday January 8, 2008

Presidential hopeful Ron Paul warns that the US is sliding toward 'fascism' as Americans give up their rights 'in the name of security'.

"We're not moving toward Hitler-type fascism, but we're moving toward a softer fascism," said the 10-term Texas congressman Sunday.

Speaking on PBS Sunday, the presidential candidate affirmed that the American people are giving up their rights and privacy, 'all in the name of safety and security'.

"Loss of civil liberties, corporations running the show, big government in bed with big business," said Paul of the downhill situation that awaits Americans.

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"So you have the military-industrial complex, you have the medical-industrial complex, you have the financial industry, you have the communications industry. That's where the control is," the libertarian-leaning politician explained.

The Texan concluded that what is happening will be very 'dangerous' as the situation is getting to a point that 'is hard to reverse'.

Paul, who ended up fifth in the Iowa caucus last week with 10 percent of the votes, is becoming immensely popularity among the American youth as well as the educated elite.
We're already there, thanks in large part to the complacency of members of the duopoly.

The Democrats don't think $3,000,000,000,000.10 is enough money for the government, and the Republicans don't think there's enough war and death. We're fucked old pal. Its time to put another log on the fire and cook up some bacon and some beans.
I wouldn't say it is soft so much as friendly. Abolishing the current Constitution (save for the Bill of Rights) in favour of a Party-controlled Triumvirate is hardly "soft".

It's regular fascism. He's just being polite. It's fascism with lots of commercials and products giving us the illusion of mental stimulation and freedom.
It's regular fascism. He's just being polite. It's fascism with lots of commercials and products giving us the illusion of mental stimulation and freedom.

Who's being polite? Ron Paul isn't a national collaborativist, I am (one of like, three, at the moment).

Commercials and products are a part of fascism in the first place, though, because fascism doesn't espouse the ridiculous notion that social class is avoidable, nor does it try to drag the haves into poverty just to make the have-nots feel better....instead it protects the interests of the have-nots while allowing the haves to keep the economy going.