Paulson's self written blank check of 700bill--


--thankfully did not go through in it's orgional 3 page write. Many republicans and democrats shot it down to help protect the American citizens from robbery. Good on those people. Thank you from America.

But where was obama? Was he there to help you like he says he will? No---he was shooting staples into telephone poles. Right there--he was not there for us. He has no track record because of moves like this in his short career. He did it right under your nose--and you don't recogonize the fact that he was just going to let it happen. He did not care if Paulson ripped us off at all!!!

How about a obama interview--to see why he was not willing to serve the American public at all.

Oh yea---his past work is great---for him and his political career. Go drive through South Chicago, and talk to the racist blacks (their preachers make them that way) there that got booted from their "affordable housing" that obama did as a community organizer (to raise money for his political career with a realistate crook (now in prision), it seems again. "Look mommie---no windows on those buildings!"

Where did obama want to be when the American people were about to get ripped off?---Busy working on his political career---for him alone! He has proven to befriend anybody that can help his political career ----and that includes the good ol boy network big shot Paulson!

You trust obama? really? I think you have some kind of mental illness if you do (or not informed of the guy)---or your a commie that hates American and wants to see it come down. That is what obama stands for IMO. Actions speak more loudly than words. You only have 5 weeks left to abserve actions that I have abserved for 19 months, and he is learning how to lie to you better from what I see of him. His true colors came out again when he was not willing to be there to help us out at the exact time we needed it in a huge crisis.
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