Pax Obamicus

Yes, President Obama will bring about permanent world peace, that gleaming chimera long yearned for by thousands of beauty contest finalists through the ages.

Simply by shining the light of His countenance upon those who hate America because of the evil Bush, all war, conflict, and crime will cease.

There will be no more need for armies, navies, or weapons!

Police and jails will remain, but the innocents currently incarcerated in them will be replaced by the real criminals - those who are guilty of driving SUVs, seeking to make profits in "business", and other hate crimes.

Once we are forever free of the threat of violence from abroad, President Obama will heal the diviseness that Bush inflicted on our land by excising the cancer of private firearm ownership.

After He ditches that knuckledragging Second Amendment, He will have the Twenty-Second repealed by unanimous consent of every man, woman, child, and transgendered individual on the planet!

Once He has been proclaimed President-for-Life, He can dismantle the fascist US war machine, convict the GOP and the Joint Chiefs of war crimes, turn the Pentagon into free housing for unwed mothers, and spend the former defense budget on more worthwhile initiatives, like achieving tofu independence by 2012.

Now, that's change you can believe in!
Yes, President Obama will bring about permanent world peace, that gleaming chimera long yearned for by thousands of beauty contest finalists through the ages.

Simply by shining the light of His countenance upon those who hate America because of the evil Bush, all war, conflict, and crime will cease.

There will be no more need for armies, navies, or weapons!

Police and jails will remain, but the innocents currently incarcerated in them will be replaced by the real criminals - those who are guilty of driving SUVs, seeking to make profits in "business", and other hate crimes.

Once we are forever free of the threat of violence from abroad, President Obama will heal the diviseness that Bush inflicted on our land by excising the cancer of private firearm ownership.

After He ditches that knuckledragging Second Amendment, He will have the Twenty-Second repealed by unanimous consent of every man, woman, child, and transgendered individual on the planet!

Once He has been proclaimed President-for-Life, He can dismantle the fascist US war machine, convict the GOP and the Joint Chiefs of war crimes, turn the Pentagon into free housing for unwed mothers, and spend the former defense budget on more worthwhile initiatives, like achieving tofu independence by 2012.

Now, that's change you can believe in!

That sounds great! And for the last two years, his abilities have been wasting in the Senate. No wonder he never did anything in the Senate. It was beneath him. But, alas, he will soon be where the American people and the world know he belongs and with the appropriate title... Emperor of the World. Who would have ever thought this would happen in our lifetime!!!

But do we all have to convert to Islam...I mean seeing girls in walking tents is a drag! and I would really be squimmish having to remove the heads of those pesky Homosexuals,Christians and perverted politicians...
Prophecy is being fullfilled...we are in the end days...The Anti-Christ has risen...bow down before your God you weak kneed Liberals...three years of bliss then you must return home to the gates of hell...!:eek:

Hey, I want at least five years, or I am voting for someone else!

They also have to rebuild the Temple, but maybe he will help bring that about?:clink:

Go End Times
Revelations reveal!
Where are those horsemen when you need them?:eek: