PBS coverup of The Obama's latest gaffe


Loyal to the end
Yet another reason to de-fund this tax-supported supporter of the Democrat Party:

Barack Obama has gone to Congress asking for more money to spend. The President, in a rambling and tedious exercise mixing blame with demands, made quite a few dubious statements in laying out the case for Congress to vote for the plan which as yet does not exist. Much like Obamacare, Congress must ultimately vote for the bill to know what is in it.

At one point Mr. Obama made a major gaffe; he identified Abraham Lincoln as the founder of the Republican Party.

Lincoln did not join the Republicans until 1856, over two years after the party was founded. The first Republican convention was held in Ripon, Wisconsin in 1854.

Such a gaffe would have brought huge amounts of ridicule and derision on George W. Bush, but in the case of Obama the media yawned.

Actually, they did more than yawn; government-funded PBS has altered the transcript of the President's speech, removing the offending comment.

The New York Times transcript has the following quote:

"We all remember Abraham Lincoln as the leader who saved our Union. Founder of the Republican Party. But in the middle of a civil war, he was also a leader who looked to the future -- a Republican President who mobilized government to build the Transcontinental Railroad -- (applause) -- launch the National Academy of Sciences, set up the first land grant colleges. (Applause.) And leaders of both parties have followed the example he set."

But how does it appear in the PBS transcript?

"We all remember Abraham Lincoln as the leader who saved our Union. But in the middle of a Civil War, he was also a leader who looked to the future - a Republican president who mobilized government to build the transcontinental railroad; launch the National Academy of Sciences; and set up the first land grant colleges. And leaders of both parties have followed the example he set."

So PBS has purposely altered a transcript containing a major gaffe by the President.
The American Thinker story is completely false.

PBS states that it published the transcript of Obama's prepared, written remarks, as opposed to his actual spoken speech. And Obama improvised the bit about Abraham Lincoln founding the Republican Party; it wasn't in the text of his prepared speech. PBS did nothing wrong.

A few conservative bloggers are catching on to that fact, but, as of this writing, the headline is still there, screaming to the masses on Drudge. I wonder if he'll issue a correction?

Anyway, keep up the good work, American "Thinker"! You've got a fan right here!

UPDATE: Was Obama even wrong to say that Lincoln founded the GOP? Well, not if you believe the GOP's own website. It says this about Lincoln:

Abraham Lincoln helped establish the Republican Party with a speech denouncing an 1854 law, written by a Democrat Senator, that allowed slavery to expand into the western territories. Two years later, he co-founded the Illinois GOP. Lincoln was runner-up for the 1856 Republican vice presidential nomination and then became a Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate.

(update via Little Green Footballs, which also has a comprehensive list of Republicans who have called Abe the "founder" of their party.)

Read more: http://www.towleroad.com/2011/09/no...-an-error-in-obamas-speech.html#ixzz1XqbCL0OB
No, TAT is correct. PBS states: "This transcript has been updated to reflect the remarks as delivered and released by the White House." Emphasis mine. They admit it freely.
UPDATE: Was Obama even wrong to say that Lincoln founded the GOP? Well, not if you believe the GOP's own website. It says this about Lincoln:

Abraham Lincoln helped establish the Republican Party with a speech denouncing an 1854 law, written by a Democrat Senator, that allowed slavery to expand into the western territories. Two years later, he co-founded the Illinois GOP. Lincoln was runner-up for the 1856 Republican vice presidential nomination and then became a Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate.

Thats quite a stretch.....you gonna tells us the "helped establish" now means "founded"......?....hardly.....

Brings back memories of Al Gore, who said "I took the initiative in CREATING the Internet"......
Yet the pinheads, to this day, along with Snoops claim that Al Gore did not claim he "invented" the Internet.....

I'd say INVENTED and CREATING are more closely related than ESTABLISH and FOUNDED......

By I can understand the PBS problem with this "transcript" discrepancy....it could have happened to anyone...they should have been given the chance to explain before being accused of bias...but then their bias in the past is undeniable and the accusers over-reacted....
Didn't we go through this exercise before with the NY Times? There are as prepared remarks distributed prior to a speech and there are as delivered transcripts prepared after (or during) the speech. Naturally, it's stupid for a news organization to fail to specify which they put up on their website, but this quixotic search for media conspiracy through transcript manipulation is ridiculous.