Pc Gone Amuck Again


Junior Member
Once again the PC crowd has gone out of bounds with sillyness. Why don't they edit the violence out? Or just ban them all together?

'Tom and Jerry' smoking scenes snuffed out

Turner Broadcasting is scouring more than 1,500 classic Hanna-Barbera cartoons, including old favourites Tom and Jerry, The Flintstones and Scooby-Doo, to edit out scenes that glamorise smoking.

As far as removing them permanently I don't agree but not showing such a thing during a broadcast to children may be appropriate.

However I am not sure that seeing a blue cat smoking has much of an impact on children.
They also hit each other in the heads with frying pans, not something you want to encourage children to do, but shouldn't that also be edited out?

Either show the things as they were made or don't show them at all. Smoking is the least of things wrong with the cartoons.
A child is more likely to mimic hitting their brother with a frying pan than smoking up after watching such a cartoon.

I suppose they edited out smoking instead of violence because it isn't as integral to the cartoon.

Ideally it should remain the same and parents watch such a program with their kids reminding them that violence and smoking are both bad things.
I agree Ihate, but well my point was how the PC crowd is so anti smoking that they make little sense.

On the other hand what kids watch Tom and Jerry when they have Sponge Bob? Only the pot heads watch the old cartoons. LOL And they are already smoking!
I agree Ihate, but well my point was how the PC crowd is so anti smoking that they make little sense.

On the other hand what kids watch Tom and Jerry when they have Sponge Bob? Only the pot heads watch the old cartoons. LOL And they are already smoking!

I beg your pardon. There was Tom and Jerry marathon on Boomerang a few weeks back and we (at the vehemenent request of my 3 year old) watched our can full of them. Then my wife buys a DVD of several of their cartoons and one of their full length movies. Now my boy is 3 and I don't think he is a stoner.....at least I hope not :). Anyway, I'd much rather watch Tom and Jerry than watch the Weebles or those Austrailians or Dora or Diego or Barney or .......and the list goes on. And NO I don't want them editing my cartoons, dadgummit!!!;)
My youngest LOVES Diego... If it is on you avoid ever going near that channel.
Sorry leaning, it was more of a joke than anything. But who watches the cartoon channels at 3 am?
The point of the post is that they are editing out smoking in these old cartoons. That is just wrong!
The point of the post is that they are editing out smoking in these old cartoons. That is just wrong!

And with that I completely agree. I was talking to my wife during the marathon and said I was surprised they even allowed such a violent cartoon to be on anymore. I said that if Tom and Jerry cartoons were made today we wouldn't see the cat actually get shaved by the guillatine (sp?) or dragged through the mousehole by the little dog. As I said, I want no editing of my classic cartoons. I want Popeye to smoke the pipe and beat the crap our of Bluto (or Brutus) and like the way everyone gets called an "idiot" on 101 Dalmations. Tell the PC crowd for me to leave it all alone.
Just to stir the pot. Does anyone think that a child seeing a bare breast on television is more harmful that popeye kicking someones ass or someone smoking a pipe? If so why?