Peanut butter and other favorite foods that could disappear forever


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Foods at risk around the world

Even under normal circumstances, it's easy to take our favorite meals and snacks for granted, but many commonplace foods might not be around forever. Climate change, disease and other factors all pose a threat to global produce and could even wipe out your favorite food or tipple for good. From chocolate to peanut butter, we reveal the foods and drinks at risk of extinction.

Humans...the species that shits where it eats will wind up having shit to eat...oh the irony and poetic justice!
The Global Warming Cult wants us to suffer, they would be having us eating the protein bars of SnowPincher if they could get away with it too many of them.
Normal people would move production to areas that had become newly suitable for the purpose.

Humans did not get to where we are by being dummies.