Pelosi Pledges to Sue White House Over AG's Refusal to Investigate Bush Advisers


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WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday she intends to sue the Bush administration in response to Attorney General Michael Mukasey's refusal to refer the House's contempt citations against two of President Bush's top aides to a federal grand jury.

Pelosi, in a written statement, accused the administration of "continuing to politicize law enforcement."

"The House has already provided authority for the Judiciary Committee to file a civil enforcement action in federal district court and the House shall do so promptly," she said. "As public officials, we take an oath to uphold the Constitution and protect our system of checks and balances and our civil lawsuit seeks to do just that."

The White House countered with its own pledge to fight House leaders to the end.

"If Speaker Pelosi insists on taking this case to a court, they will be met with opposition at the courthouse door and at every step of any court case," White House Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto said. "The president's case is strong, and he would not have asserted executive privilege if he did not believe he would prevail in the face of attempts to challenge his decision."

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Well, if it's the 9th Circuit Court it can only help. Whatever they decide is sure to be overturned...