Penetration by radical agents worse than thought, Obama loves his Terrorists

Mr. T

Verified User
Infiltration of the federal government by members of the radical Muslim Brotherhood is worse than some have warned recently, says a former FBI special agent in Washington.

The agent confirmed that at least three operatives of the Egypt-based Brotherhood – whose credo is "Jihad is our way and death in the cause of Allah is our dream" – have penetrated the Obama administration.

The shocking charge was first leveled by Muslim reformer Tarek Fatah during a recent speech in Toronto.

"When someone says that there is penetration of jihadi Islamists within society, do not dismiss it as some right-wing, xenophobic, racist rant," warned Fatah, a Canadian journalist.

Fight back against CAIR's attack on First Amendment by making a contribution to WND's "Legal Defense Fund." Donations of $25 or more entitle you to free copy of "Muslim Mafia" – the book so devastating to CAIR the group is trying to ban it.

"Today in the White House, there are three members of the Muslim Brotherhood that influence Obama's policy," he told the audience gathered for an IdeaCity conference. "One is Rashad Hassan, who is the American ambassador to the 52-nation Organization of Islamic (Conference)."

Fatah also named "Dalia Mogahed, who writes (Obama's) speeches, who comes from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt; and another woman, an academic, (who) was appointed in that circle."

Former FBI special agent John Guandolo says Obama's ties to agents for the Muslim Brotherhood are even more extensive.

"The level of penetration in the last three administrations is deep," he said. "For this president, it even goes back to his campaign with Muslim Brotherhood folks working with him then."

Equally alarming, the Brotherhood also has placed several operatives and sympathizers within key positions in Homeland Security and the U.S. military, notes Guandolo, a former Marine Corps officer.

The veteran federal agent says such infiltration threatens national security, because the U.S. leadership of the international Brotherhood has outlined a secret plan to "destroy" the U.S. and other Western governments "from within."

After the 9/11 attacks, he says the FBI discovered the plan written in Arabic among documents seized from the basement of a prominent Brotherhood leader living in a Washington suburb.

Guandolo says the stated Muslim Brotherhood strategy for change "from within" includes the installation of loyal Brothers into political office.

Read more: Underpublicized threat deep in White House
Fearmongering, Islamophobia, and xenophobia.

What's not to like, if you're a Tea-rorist?
So where was Barry Hussein Obama the Sunday morning after September 11th, 2001?

Was he in the pews of Trinity United Church of Christ listening to this anti-American, race-baiting "Pastor" ?

fhig lofyu b7ur b7ufd adres muiyt. wwgty 9iuy mkyfd 3nhy vdsea.

This message has been posted in code. Only true anti american terrorists will understand.

My aunt has only just fed the cat.
Infiltration of the federal government by members of the radical Muslim Brotherhood is worse than some have warned recently, says a former FBI special agent in Washington.

The agent confirmed that at least three operatives of the Egypt-based Brotherhood – whose credo is "Jihad is our way and death in the cause of Allah is our dream" – have penetrated the Obama administration.

The shocking charge was first leveled by Muslim reformer Tarek Fatah during a recent speech in Toronto.

"When someone says that there is penetration of jihadi Islamists within society, do not dismiss it as some right-wing, xenophobic, racist rant," warned Fatah, a Canadian journalist.

Fight back against CAIR's attack on First Amendment by making a contribution to WND's "Legal Defense Fund." Donations of $25 or more entitle you to free copy of "Muslim Mafia" – the book so devastating to CAIR the group is trying to ban it.

"Today in the White House, there are three members of the Muslim Brotherhood that influence Obama's policy," he told the audience gathered for an IdeaCity conference. "One is Rashad Hassan, who is the American ambassador to the 52-nation Organization of Islamic (Conference)."

Fatah also named "Dalia Mogahed, who writes (Obama's) speeches, who comes from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt; and another woman, an academic, (who) was appointed in that circle."

Former FBI special agent John Guandolo says Obama's ties to agents for the Muslim Brotherhood are even more extensive.

"The level of penetration in the last three administrations is deep," he said. "For this president, it even goes back to his campaign with Muslim Brotherhood folks working with him then."

Equally alarming, the Brotherhood also has placed several operatives and sympathizers within key positions in Homeland Security and the U.S. military, notes Guandolo, a former Marine Corps officer.

The veteran federal agent says such infiltration threatens national security, because the U.S. leadership of the international Brotherhood has outlined a secret plan to "destroy" the U.S. and other Western governments "from within."

After the 9/11 attacks, he says the FBI discovered the plan written in Arabic among documents seized from the basement of a prominent Brotherhood leader living in a Washington suburb.

Guandolo says the stated Muslim Brotherhood strategy for change "from within" includes the installation of loyal Brothers into political office.

Read more: Underpublicized threat deep in White House

We have to remember that in a democratic country we are told the proper way to implement change is from within through elections. :)
The dingbats at WorldNutDaily don't even have their basic facts straight. Rashad Hassan is a basketball player at Savannah State. Rashad Hussain started his political career in 2000.

"Rashad has worked extensively on Capitol Hill, both as an intern in the office of former House Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt during the summer of 2000 and as a legislative aide on the House Judiciary Committee, where he worked for a year and a half between his time at Harvard University and Yale University."

It is on the basis of the information in the GMBDR that Cal Thomas argues Rashad's appointment "should be of serious concern to Congress and the American public ... because Hussain, a devout Muslim, has a history of participating in events connected with the Muslim Brotherhood." This is where we get the view from 50,000 feet: reports on events that Rashad attended without any context for why he was there.

Read more:

Fatah also named "Dalia Mogahed, who writes (Obama's) speeches, who comes from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt; and another woman, an academic, (who) was appointed in that circle."

Where is proof that Mogahed comes from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt? Who is "another woman, an academic", why wasn't she named, and where's the proof that "another woman" comes from the Muslim Brotherhood?

It boggles my mind that anybody would think WND engages in credible journalism but maybe I'm underestimating the stupidity of the haters.
fhig lofyu b7ur b7ufd adres muiyt. wwgty 9iuy mkyfd 3nhy vdsea.

This message has been posted in code. Only true anti american terrorists will understand.

My aunt has only just fed the cat.

Understood...stand by for response...

The chicken wears a yellow hat...I repeat...the chicken wears a yellow hat. The bird dies slowly.
Infiltration of the federal government by members of the radical Muslim Brotherhood is worse than some have warned recently, says a former FBI special agent in Washington.

The agent confirmed that at least three operatives of the Egypt-based Brotherhood – whose credo is "Jihad is our way and death in the cause of Allah is our dream" – have penetrated the Obama administration.

The shocking charge was first leveled by Muslim reformer Tarek Fatah during a recent speech in Toronto.

"When someone says that there is penetration of jihadi Islamists within society, do not dismiss it as some right-wing, xenophobic, racist rant," warned Fatah, a Canadian journalist.

Fight back against CAIR's attack on First Amendment by making a contribution to WND's "Legal Defense Fund." Donations of $25 or more entitle you to free copy of "Muslim Mafia" – the book so devastating to CAIR the group is trying to ban it.

"Today in the White House, there are three members of the Muslim Brotherhood that influence Obama's policy," he told the audience gathered for an IdeaCity conference. "One is Rashad Hassan, who is the American ambassador to the 52-nation Organization of Islamic (Conference)."

Fatah also named "Dalia Mogahed, who writes (Obama's) speeches, who comes from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt; and another woman, an academic, (who) was appointed in that circle."

Former FBI special agent John Guandolo says Obama's ties to agents for the Muslim Brotherhood are even more extensive.

"The level of penetration in the last three administrations is deep," he said. "For this president, it even goes back to his campaign with Muslim Brotherhood folks working with him then."

Equally alarming, the Brotherhood also has placed several operatives and sympathizers within key positions in Homeland Security and the U.S. military, notes Guandolo, a former Marine Corps officer.

The veteran federal agent says such infiltration threatens national security, because the U.S. leadership of the international Brotherhood has outlined a secret plan to "destroy" the U.S. and other Western governments "from within."

After the 9/11 attacks, he says the FBI discovered the plan written in Arabic among documents seized from the basement of a prominent Brotherhood leader living in a Washington suburb.

Guandolo says the stated Muslim Brotherhood strategy for change "from within" includes the installation of loyal Brothers into political office.

Read more: Underpublicized threat deep in White House

Tell me brainiac...i read a whole lot of supposition and innuendo, but I don't see any hard proof.

Why doesn't this supposed "former FBI special agent" name some names if he's such a patriot and cares so much for this country? Why all the obfuscation and blanket condemnation?

Show us some actual PROOF of these supposed secret some frickin names...