Pentagon refuses to relaese new Iraq report

I just saw this gem off to the side of the story that you posted Desh. Yike!

"BAGHDAD — U.S. authorities in Baghdad have received five severed fingers belonging to four Americans and an Austrian who were taken hostage more than a year ago in Iraq, U.S. officials said Wednesday."

"But the study, based on more than 600,000 captured documents, including audio and video files, found that while Saddam sponsored terrorism, particularly against opponents of his regime and against Israel....."

In case you're wondering what the ... is for, it says something insignificant about Al Queda.
"But the study, based on more than 600,000 captured documents, including audio and video files, found that while Saddam sponsored terrorism, particularly against opponents of his regime and against Israel....."

In case you're wondering what the ... is for, it says something insignificant about Al Queda.
You aren't supposed to tell them, they are supposed to read it and do the "ZOMG!!11!1" thing and show how you are being dishonest.
You aren't supposed to tell them, they are supposed to read it and do the "ZOMG!!11!1" thing and show how you are being dishonest.

That is easily combatted these days. When they ZOMG!!11!!1! you... you just shout consensus... totally throws them off.
You would think that they would be smart enough to know that is exactly what some reporter will do. So why not just do it yourself?

Stupid on their part.

It keeps in a smaller viewership. They do this shit all the time to help the clones refuse the info as false from a source that seems less Official.
Why would a tech geek get death threats?

That's the thing, she was probably the least likely person to have been deserving of them, and some douchebags (yes plural) decided to 'play games' with her. She just stopped blogging and stuck with the 'Head First' series for the O'Rielly books.
That's the thing, she was probably the least likely person to have been deserving of them, and some douchebags (yes plural) decided to 'play games' with her. She just stopped blogging and stuck with the 'Head First' series for the O'Rielly books.

That's pretty pathetic.
In other words, your title is a lie, as usual.

Why do you keep doing that? The truth doesn't suit your agenda?

Standard, bush-worshipping Thread Title Nazi Patrol. How lame.

While you were taking it up the ass from bush, it took the rest of us three second to read Desh's post to know what the issue was:

Desh: "They are keeping it off the internet.

Reporters have to Ask for a copy to get one.
A report comes out that shreds one of the last conceivable rationales for koolaid-drowning victims like Acorn, and the best he/she/it can do is take a swipe at the title?

Good to know you're on the case there, baby tree....