People think Brazil-style censorship couldn't happen here, but it could. I


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Here as in Thailand? Lot's of Third World shitholes countries are deficient in civil rights.
Thailand would just be improved if it were like Brazil. There is almost no freedom there.
Agreed. Brazil left a far right government for more freedom. More liberalism. Thailand's people would benefit if their government did the same.
Actually, it did exactly the opposite of that. It ditched a Conservative government trying to reduce the burden of government for a radical Leftist one that has piled it on.
The first and second amendments are both going away....I suspect we get told come Jan.
For SURE IF Trump gets in, He has already said he is going after his political opponents and the MSM outlets taking away peoples first Amendment rights and he has said Take their guns away we will deal with the due process thing later , speaking of taking away guns from left leaning people, taking their Second AMENDMENT RIGHTS AWAY.
This is NOT what Presidents of the USA do these are things DICTATORS do,
Have a nice day

As I see Brazil go hard core censorship as America and Europe are also doing I note chatter on my grapevine that Brazil has become very cooperative with Americas CIA run government.