perception altering subtances and responsibility

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
if you chose to take a perception altering substance (recreational or prescription) and do not take precautions (say designated driver or someone to watch over you (say if you take something like LSD)) then you are a fool and are responsible for your actions

for example, i take a number of prescriptions most of which recommend neither ingesting alcohol nor operating machinery - if i ignore that advise and do not take precautions then any harm that i do is my own fault

personal freedom requires personal responsibility
So what if I take LSD and took "precautions" by getting someone to watch me and the LSD causes me to start hitting the person who's watching me.

Am I off the hook because of my "precautions"?
So what if I take LSD and took "precautions" by getting someone to watch me and the LSD causes me to start hitting the person who's watching me.

Am I off the hook because of my "precautions"?

yes, the fool agreed to watch over you - hopefully with knowledge afore thought
Well, if you time warped back to the 70's! It would be cool. You always had your "guide"
So what if I take LSD and took "precautions" by getting someone to watch me and the LSD causes me to start hitting the person who's watching me.

Am I off the hook because of my "precautions"?

WM I don't think LSD would work out very well for you.
if you chose to take a perception altering substance (recreational or prescription) and do not take precautions (say designated driver or someone to watch over you (say if you take something like LSD)) then you are a fool and are responsible for your actions

for example, i take a number of prescriptions most of which recommend neither ingesting alcohol nor operating machinery - if i ignore that advise and do not take precautions then any harm that i do is my own fault

personal freedom requires personal responsibility

Same boat here DQ. Why I do not drive much anymore.
Well anyway, for context, I'm not arguing that doing drugs should be able to get you off in a crime, I'm merely trying to present the logical flaws in trying to use drugs as an aggravating factor. It doesn't make any sense. It is just trying to look tough for the sake of looking tough.