Personal Choices, Political Correctness, Public Corruption, Positions Conceived


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Which side does one's social mind lead or follow as a male or female child, mom or dad, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 16 great great grandparents that are the usual suspects controlling the narratives daily.

Title is 4 corner triangulating people against each other daily as directed by social consensus to people alive in geographical points of occupying time today.
Let history be your guide reviewing how people ignore why they exist as naturally occupying time today.

Self evident results limited to existing in a perpetual balancing situation evolving changes everything here constantly balancing outcomes next. Humanity practices tipping the scales every day. Midnight to noon, noon to midnight, day or night, dawn or dusk, each great great grandchild, each parent, each grandparent, each great grandparent, etc.

Why doesn't intellectual humanity teach this to every ancestor in every ancestral lineage, in every geographical area this species occupies daily, lived so far?

Missing link wasn't missing, Just ignored by human design of social engineering outcomes tomorrow. Legally defined midnight to noon punishment for non compliance to social consensus arrives noon to midnight each rotation of the planet since dawn of civilization governed from within this species only existing as reproductively present one at a time.

Mythology, fables, nursery rhymes, science fiction, spiritual fantasies life is more than genetics eternally separating reproductions living in plain sight today in the exact order of series parallel ancestry alive now.

Your reality is set to implode very soon. Wasn't that the heart, body, mind, soul to Art of War every society uses as a playbook to global governance of ancestries occupying time today as specifically alive conceived to dead every reality factually covers behavior cradle to grave.

Every disciple of doubt I ever met told me to look at the bigger picture, So I did, and discovered how eternity works in plain sight. hell of a critical way to think beyond social consensus corrupted my entire ancestry.

Got even without harming a corrupted ancestor since my own ancestry is involved.

No body in recorded history of humanity has done this before. Sure plenty have, but not recorded by those recording daily events. What happened to honest journalism, instinctive curiosity, honesty from within a brain evolved from the nucleus of one's unique fertilized cell?
Title of this thread is the answer. This species does it to itself.