Personhood, like religion and politics, is a business


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Bolstered by Oprah, a Harvard Business School professor thinks you should run your inner self like a company.

To anyone browsing “Build the Life You Want” and books of a similar ilk, it soon becomes clear that the care and maintenance of the self is no longer a branch of the social sciences, if it ever was, or an offshoot of popular psychology. Restructuring your inward being, and increasing its turnover, is now akin to running a company. Personhood, like religion and politics, is a business.
Bolstered by Oprah, a Harvard Business School professor thinks you should run your inner self like a company.

To anyone browsing “Build the Life You Want” and books of a similar ilk, it soon becomes clear that the care and maintenance of the self is no longer a branch of the social sciences, if it ever was, or an offshoot of popular psychology. Restructuring your inward being, and increasing its turnover, is now akin to running a company. Personhood, like religion and politics, is a business.

This is to be expected when God is stripped from public life.
Yakuda is the biggest hatemonger on the forum. What God does he worship? Satan.

This from a subhuman life form that has told me to kill myself. STFU you retarded maggot.

Yeah I am a hatemonger I hate stupidity. No wonder you wish me dead.