Pervasive failings’: Phoenix police kill civilians without justification, US says


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The Phoenix police department routinely discriminates against people of color and kills civilians without justification, the US Department of Justice announced in an investigative report on Thursday.

The government found a “pattern or practice” of the police department using excessive force and violating the civil rights of Black, Hispanic and Native American people.

Have you read the 126 page report the DOJ did? It's a hit piece. Of 149 shootings the PPD did in the last year, the DOJ selected--cherry picked--just 7 to include in their report. That's 4.7% of the total. The ones they picked, of course, were the most likely to be called unjustified. The DOJ follows that practice throughout the report.

What has the DOJ's panties in a twist is that the PPD won't roll over and give them a 'consent decree' to allow the feds--the DOJ--to totally fuck up the operations of their department the way they've done to other major cities across the US.

The DOJ is the evil agency here, 100%, hands down.

Have you read the 126 page report the DOJ did? It's a hit piece. Of 149 shootings the PPD did in the last year, the DOJ selected--cherry picked--just 7 to include in their report. That's 4.7% of the total. The ones they picked, of course, were the most likely to be called unjustified.

Next you will argue that Jeffrey Dahmer came into contact with more than a million people, but the prosecution "cherry picked" the 17 that he killed.

The number of murders that the Phoenix PD should have committed is zero. If the DOJ can "cherry pick" 7 they did do, there is a problem.
Next you will argue that Jeffrey Dahmer came into contact with more than a million people, but the prosecution "cherry picked" the 17 that he killed.

The number of murders that the Phoenix PD should have committed is zero. If the DOJ can "cherry pick" 7 they did do, there is a problem.
DOJ has now a very long record of abusing police departments.

Me being in basically a suburb of Seattle knows something about this subject.
Next you will argue that Jeffrey Dahmer came into contact with more than a million people, but the prosecution "cherry picked" the 17 that he killed.

The number of murders that the Phoenix PD should have committed is zero. If the DOJ can "cherry pick" 7 they did do, there is a problem.
False analogy. The number of murders the PPD committed IS zero. The DOJ cherry picked what they could to make the department look bad in their report rather than make a fair and unbiased assessment.