Philosophical friends


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While philosophy has grown to become less gladiatorial than when I started out, it is still a discipline where “appearing smart” is of paramount importance.

Philosophical friends, because of their benevolent attitude toward each other, do not need to be as concerned about reputation and about appearing smart.

If you lack reasons, or just go by gut feel, you might be more willing to admit that to a friend than to an antagonist. I can push my friend harder to provide me with reasons than I would a stranger, because of the background of trust and respect.
While philosophy has grown to become less gladiatorial than when I started out, it is still a discipline where “appearing smart” is of paramount importance.

Philosophical friends, because of their benevolent attitude toward each other, do not need to be as concerned about reputation and about appearing smart.

If you lack reasons, or just go by gut feel, you might be more willing to admit that to a friend than to an antagonist. I can push my friend harder to provide me with reasons than I would a stranger, because of the background of trust and respect.

Obviously, you have no idea what philosophy even IS.
It's not about 'appearing smart'.