Philosophy happens when your own belief system starts to collapse


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Philosophy happens when your own belief system starts to collapse, or when you start giving it a shake and realising that it's much more unstable than you'd like to think, and that’s a very individual process. I don't want to take away from the fact that philosophy is indeed a matter of argument and and thinking things through rigorously but, it seems to me, it’s when the thinking things through becomes a significant experience to the thinker that it becomes important philosophically.

This is why philosophy has nothing to do with religion or science.
Philosophy happens when your own belief system starts to collapse, or when you start giving it a shake and realising that it's much more unstable than you'd like to think, and that’s a very individual process. I don't want to take away from the fact that philosophy is indeed a matter of argument and and thinking things through rigorously but, it seems to me, it’s when the thinking things through becomes a significant experience to the thinker that it becomes important philosophically.

This is why philosophy has nothing to do with religion or science.

why does this read like reverse psychology meets inverted logic? Because it is.
Philosophy happens when your own belief system starts to collapse, or when you start giving it a shake and realising that it's much more unstable than you'd like to think, and that’s a very individual process. I don't want to take away from the fact that philosophy is indeed a matter of argument and and thinking things through rigorously but, it seems to me, it’s when the thinking things through becomes a significant experience to the thinker that it becomes important philosophically.

This is why philosophy has nothing to do with religion or science.

It's only SSDD or those SCOTUS Christian Nation Nazi SS vs. Dwight David Eisenhower's "Never Again" which is why they are the ones to die for their Christiananality pedophilia Islamidiotocracy while exterminating in that more perfect union of "serve the Pope or die" with "Islam "death to the infidels" for those who question their supposed 600 years + AD fabricated Islam medical human reproduction pseudoscience virgin Mary misnomer of an immaculate son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception national religion beliefs reasoning.