photo op

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
now that the supremes have validated photo ids for voting, perhaps the dems should get a companion law passed enabling or supporting (with tax payer money) mobile photo id units so that the working poor (you know the people with two or more jobs so they and their family can live) can get photo ids so that they may vote

i would not expect the reps to do so since most reps have leisure time to get photo ids or already have drivers licenses

i guess ca is strange in that a person's signature is all the id that is required to vote
Its a sad thing. This one is going to cost some tax dollars to ensure no one is kept from voting for these reasons. The sadest part is the studies showed there was no notable fruad that this law prevents yet we vote on machines that are travesties.
Its a sad thing. This one is going to cost some tax dollars to ensure no one is kept from voting for these reasons. The sadest part is the studies showed there was no notable fruad that this law prevents yet we vote on machines that are travesties.

Bill outta be able to cover that price in one speaking trip to the UAE.
He doesnt work with the government anymore and I also think you vastly underestimate the cost of this bill in the long run.
since most reps have leisure time to get photo ids
You people get the strangest notions sometimes. Most Republicans (check that, most conservatives) have one or more jobs, and families to which they devote a shitload of time and energy. That leaves them very little "leisure time" to do anything, and the little they have, the last thing they want to do with it is stand in line in some government office. That's why renewal-by-mail and car-registration-by-mail has become so popular.

They'll get Photo IDs as needed, but it takes a chunk out of their other activites, notably work or family time, neither of which makes them particularly happy.

"Leisure time", it ain't. For that, you'd have to see the unemployed, the welfare queens, and people who sire lots of kids sometimes by different moms and abandon them. In a word: Democrats.

i guess ca is strange in that a person's signature is all the id that is required to vote

Yes, it is, and yes, it is strange. I believe there are other states that do it that way too, though some are starting to get wise and require IDs.

In the People's Republic of California, someone can ride his burro north across an unguarded part of the border (there are lots), ride up to a precinct poll, dismount, walk in, glance at the voting rolls on the table, and announce, "Pro favor, senor, me llamo Ellsworth Codrington III Esquire". And the poll workers have no choice but to check off old Ellsworth's name, let the guy put any kind of mark next to it, and hand him a ballot, which he can then fill out with the help of a guide provided him by a helpful agency in Tijuana telling him (in Spanish of course) who the most pro-open-borders candidates are (no shortage of those here, either).

When Elly-3 comes in later that evening after his third production meeting of the week, they'll tell him, "Sorry, sir, but our records show you've already voted. You'll have to go downtown to the Voter Registration Center, fill out eight forms, and jump through thirteen hoops before you can vote. By the way, the Center closes in 15 minutes, it's a half hour away downtown, and I hear the traffic really sucks tonight. Have a Nice Day".

Yes, it's strange. But true.
He doesnt work with the government anymore and I also think you vastly underestimate the cost of this bill in the long run.

I have no doubts that the price of a photo ID is going up as we speak. Everyone's poor grandma who is on a fixed income is suddenly in need of a glamour shot. Who would miss a chance to rip off the tax payers for this goldmine.