

I really feel like I’m going to throw up reading this. What is most disturbing to me about this guy, personally, is that women call up to agree with him.

How self-hating do you have to be? How beaten down by life, and by men I guess, to do that?

"On the August 12 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh said of former Sen. John Edwards' recent disclosure of an extramarital affair: "I've got a theory about the motivations. Well, I don't know that I could -- I don't know that I can put this one on the air." Discussing his "theory," Limbaugh said, "We know -- we've been told that Elizabeth Edwards is smarter than John Edwards. That's part of the puff pieces on them that we've seen. Ergo, if Elizabeth Edwards is smarter than John Edwards, is it likely that she thinks she knows better than he does what his speeches ought to contain and what kind of things he ought to be doing strategy-wise in the campaign? If she is smarter than he is, could it have been her decision to keep going with the campaign? In other words, could it be that she doesn't shut up? Now, that's as far as I'm going to go." Limbaugh later added, "It just seems to me that Edwards might be attracted to a woman whose mouth did something other than talk." Limbaugh went on to say in a subsequent segment: "my theory that I just explained to you about why -- you know, what could have John Edwards' motivations been to have the affair with Rielle Hunter, given his wife is smarter than he is and probably nagging him a lot about doing this, and he found somebody that did something with her mouth other than talk."

Do you really need the stress of going over what this HS grad idiot says on the radio for rednecks to put in their playbook???
you know, what could have John Edwards' motivations been to have the affair with Rielle Hunter, given his wife is smarter than he is and probably nagging him a lot about doing this, and he found somebody that did something with her mouth other than talk."

I don't even its legal to say what I hope happens to this man.

I'll say something a little nicer:

I hope he dies of a pill OD.
Limbaugh is best described as a comedian whose comic schtick appeals to the paranoid and demented who actually believe in what he says .. thus making themselves the punch line.
Limbaugh has been such a powerful, negative influence on America for the past 20 years or so. People on here & elsewhere dismiss his influence and say that "everyone knows he's a joke," but that's not the case if you listen to that show & his callers for more than a few minutes. I read a politician out in the Midwest saying that its become standard for him to hear his political opponents & constituents parrot Limbaugh's arguments to a T, and that he has totally changed the face of political discourse in that region. I hear it on this board & elsewhere, as well.

The day he keels over will be a day to pop the best bubbly, for sure, though has so many clones now. His influence will probably prove to be fairly permanent, depressing as that is.
Limbaugh is best described as a comedian whose comic schtick appeals to the paranoid and demented who actually believe in what he says .. thus making themselves the punch line.

Bad description. A comedian is supposed to at least be funny. That guy is an overweight piece of shit. Nothing more. How anyone listens to him is beyond me.
Limbaugh has been such a powerful, negative influence on America for the past 20 years or so. People on here & elsewhere dismiss his influence and say that "everyone knows he's a joke," but that's not the case if you listen to that show & his callers for more than a few minutes. I read a politician out in the Midwest saying that its become standard for him to hear his political opponents & constituents parrot Limbaugh's arguments to a T, and that he has totally changed the face of political discourse in that region. I hear it on this board & elsewhere, as well.

The day he keels over will be a day to pop the best bubbly, for sure, though has so many clones now. His influence will probably prove to be fairly permanent, depressing as that is.

A lot of Republican politicians go on his show too. I think they should be asked if this how they view their wives. For instance, I know that Dick Cheney goes on this show, so I think that Cheney should be asked, does he view his wife as someone who has to keep her mouth shut and find something better to do with it, or he will get a girlfriend?
Both President Bush's actually called to wish him a Happy Birthday.

O'Reilly spends 20 minutes of each show talking about how the "hate" of Kos & Moveon is tearing America down, but hasn't spent 10 seconds on Limbaugh since he started.

Limbaugh is contributing our demise just as powerfully as Iraq or Hollywood or anything else that people want to blame for our downfall. Make no mistake, though - we are on the decline, and Rush is at the epicenter of that decline. And the GOP celebrates the guy & calls him a "kingmaker."
Limbaugh has been such a powerful, negative influence on America for the past 20 years or so. People on here & elsewhere dismiss his influence and say that "everyone knows he's a joke," but that's not the case if you listen to that show & his callers for more than a few minutes. I read a politician out in the Midwest saying that its become standard for him to hear his political opponents & constituents parrot Limbaugh's arguments to a T, and that he has totally changed the face of political discourse in that region. I hear it on this board & elsewhere, as well.

The day he keels over will be a day to pop the best bubbly, for sure, though has so many clones now. His influence will probably prove to be fairly permanent, depressing as that is.

You know, I tend to think we don't really need the fairness doctrine, because a pure message should be powerful enough to overcome those distorted ones.

But honestly, if the dems passed it in 09 and threw Limbaugh the fuck off the air, I wouldn't shed a tear. I wouldn't criticize the decision at all.
Both President Bush's actually called to wish him a Happy Birthday.

O'Reilly spends 20 minutes of each show talking about how the "hate" of Kos & Moveon is tearing America down, but hasn't spent 10 seconds on Limbaugh since he started.

O'Reilly is a dumbass piece of shit. "Independent" my ass.

Anytime anyone accuses him of being a conservative (which is fairly obvious), he gets all stiff and says he doesn't believe in the DP. Actually, what he basically believes in is torturing them for their natural lives, instead of the DP. So essentially he goes beyond where even the most crazy conservatives would go. This, of course, ignoring the numerous times he's called for the death penalty to be invoked anyway.

How can he honestly sit their a pretend he's unbiased? He's definitely to the right of the average American, which already put's him way at the lunatic end of the spectrum.
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Both President Bush's actually called to wish him a Happy Birthday.

O'Reilly spends 20 minutes of each show talking about how the "hate" of Kos & Moveon is tearing America down, but hasn't spent 10 seconds on Limbaugh since he started.

Limbaugh is contributing our demise just as powerfully as Iraq or Hollywood or anything else that people want to blame for our downfall. Make no mistake, though - we are on the decline, and Rush is at the epicenter of that decline. And the GOP celebrates the guy & calls him a "kingmaker."

this has to be a big reason why dems are reportedly so depressed, people like you and Darla wasting your time with the moron tools on the other side are doing.:readit:
this has to be a big reason why dems are reportedly so depressed, people like you and Darla wasting your time with the moron tools on the other side are doing.:readit:

Speaking of the devil, here is the lefty fool, now? Almost as if, he heard RJS thinking about him, and skittered in here, trying to make an impression on me, and therebuy forgoing a RJS skewering? Not likely, fool. Thank you I do not know how I do it, butt, one thing is for sure, it is a God-given talent, and fools like Toppersinner, make it that much easier? Touché.

I looked at the transcript.

RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, my theory that I just explained to you about what could John Edwards' motivations have been to have the affair with Reille Hunter -- given his wife is smarter than he is and probably nagging him a lot of about doing this, and he found somebody that (ahem) did something with her mouth other than talk -- I think I can back this up from her. We have a sound bite, this is February 2007. She was on the tabloid show Extra, and this is what she said. Listen very carefully.

HUNTER: Our whole experience was life altering for me. One of the great things about John Edwards is that he's so open and willing to try new things and do things in new ways.


She liked strapping on her dildo and fucking him in the ass.