Pinheads Obsessed With Palin!!!

I see NUMEROUS threads posted by Pinheads about Palin... including ALL THREE about her speech before the Republican National Convention tonight. It is startling to me, they are posting more about Palin than Obama at this point! What is interesting is, how they all seem to think Palin was a poor choice for McCain, and spells doom for his candidacy... yep, certain catastrophe for McCain! It's not surprising they are saying this, but with the intensity and vigor they are putting into it.

If Palin were a poor choice, wouldn't they be more likely to be telling us all how thrilled they were with the pick, and how we had given them the best gift of all in picking Palin? Wouldn't they just sit back coyly watching the Republican party implode and not say a word about it, except a few giggles amongst themselves?

But they are not responding that way at all, are they? No.... they are in full battle mode, digging up scurrilous dirt and gossip on Palin fast and furious, like it's very important for them to destroy this woman's credibility quickly. Could it be, Palin actually scares the bejesus out of them? Could it be, they know she has the potential to derail the Obama Express? Could it be they sense America WILL connect with her, and they are trying desperately to head this off at the pass? I think they are responding like they know she is a threat, and indeed, she most certainly is a threat.
Good point, Dixie. They're worried as hell. If they weren't, they wouldn't be dedicating hours every day to smearing her character.

On the other hand, they ARE liberals. :mad:
Some of those threads were started by people who have posted against Obama as well.

And for some of us, the attempt at a book banning was not something that is acceptable at all.
If digging up dirt & trying to belittle a candidate for office is a sign of fear, the GOP has been terrified of every Democratic candidate since Mondale...
Some of those threads were started by people who have posted against Obama as well.

And for some of us, the attempt at a book banning was not something that is acceptable at all.

All three of the threads about her speech, as of yesterday, were started by Pinheads. There are also a number of threads from before her speech, posted by Pinheads. My question is, if Palin is such an awful thing for McCain, why are they spending so much time and energy trying to destroy her? ...seems like that would be the LAST thing they would want to do, if that were the case.

And some of you just needed some pinhead to come along and feed you some half-baked lie so you could justify not supporting her. You weren't going to vote Republican anyway, book bannings or not. To sit here and expect me to buy that, you must think I am stupid.
All three of the threads about her speech, as of yesterday, were started by Pinheads. There are also a number of threads from before her speech, posted by Pinheads. My question is, if Palin is such an awful thing for McCain, why are they spending so much time and energy trying to destroy her? ...seems like that would be the LAST thing they would want to do, if that were the case.

And some of you just needed some pinhead to come along and feed you some half-baked lie so you could justify not supporting her. You weren't going to vote Republican anyway, book bannings or not. To sit here and expect me to buy that, you must think I am stupid.

Oh come on...on what basis would anyone think that?
All three of the threads about her speech, as of yesterday, were started by Pinheads. There are also a number of threads from before her speech, posted by Pinheads. My question is, if Palin is such an awful thing for McCain, why are they spending so much time and energy trying to destroy her? ...seems like that would be the LAST thing they would want to do, if that were the case.

And some of you just needed some pinhead to come along and feed you some half-baked lie so you could justify not supporting her. You weren't going to vote Republican anyway, book bannings or not. To sit here and expect me to buy that, you must think I am stupid.

Definitions by Dixie. Pinhead. noun. A person who doesn't walk in lock step or drink the kool-aid of the RNC and is utterly incapable of objectivity or critical thinking ability.
Who cares about dixies definition ?

I am darned proud to disagree with dicksee.

I would say that if I became like Dix I would blow my brains out,
but then if I were like dix that would not be a vital organ anyway...
And I would think I am right and most everyone else was wrong,
And if I was right then why would I blow my brains out ?
I would just want to blow everyone elses pinhead brains out for disagreeing with me....

Darned catch22...

Just very glad I am not like dixee.