Pinocchio For President


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Bumper sticker mentalities —— DO NOT READ

President Trump says Republicans will pass "a great health care package" after the 2020 election.

Trump Backs Off Obamacare Replacement After Top GOP Leader Nixes The Idea
Brian Naylor Twitter

For seven years Republicans ran on repealing Obamacare. They lied because they never intended to repeal Obamacare. Nobody in Congress will take billions in co-payments away from the insurance industry, or from Wall Street parasites. Trump & Company must think conservatives cannot see the same lies coming after the 2020 elections.


I cannot speak for conservatives, but this conservative will not vote for Trump. My mind is made up. I intend to cast a write-in ballot for Pinocchio.

Also, I am not sure I will vote for a Republicans running for Congress.

To me, it is better to let the Democrats run the country off a cliff than it is to vote for establishment Republicans who have been killing the country inch by inch right alongside Democrats.

I firmly believe that the country hitting rock bottom is the only thing that will make the American people so fed up they will do whatever it takes to get back their stolen liberties —— stolen by Democrats incrementally since 1945.

Socialists/Communists pushing the country going over a cliff faster than I thought possible is a blessing in disguise:


I could spend all of my time dissecting the lies told by individual Democrats to save the ACA but why bother? It is fair play to assume they are all lying. Oh hell! Why assume? I know they are all lying! There is no way in this world Democrats are going to allow important choices to remain in the individual’s hands. And just as I predicted in 2008 Democrat socialized medicine (OBAMACARE in 2010) gave the country one gigantic, government-enforced, HMO with new horrors added to the existing ones.

Long before the ACA was rammed down the public’s throat I posted many messages about the inherent cruelty built into universal healthcare. I often cited a million or so mindless, viciousness, parasites would be sure to get jobs in the healthcare industry. As it turned out I underestimated the number; it is 4,000,000 parasites for STARTERS according to Nutso:

NOTE: Remember when Sarah Palin was attacked by liberals for her opposition to death panels before the public found out what was in the bill. The death panels that Democrats swore were not part of their proposed bill are, indeed, in the bill. Even today, in spite of everything that is known about the ACA, a venomous woman like Nancy Pelosi is put forth as a wonderful human being full of compassion, while Sarah remains the villain to liberals.

August 20, 2009
Palin v. ObamaCare
By J. R. Dunn

Keep your own doctor

Then-Senator Hillary Clinton lied about keeping your own doctor before the Chicago sewer rat said it.


Both told the same lies, but the sewer rat beat her out for the nomination.

Candidate Clinton promoting Hillarycare II cleverly used the words “American” and “Choices” knowing damn well that there are no choices in socialized medicine:

The American Health Choices Plan: Ensuring Affordable, Quality, Health Care for All Americans
Hillary for President
September 17, 2007

Of course her choices were campaign lies:

1) Keep Current Health Care Coverage: Americans who are satisfied with the coverage they have today can keep it.

2) A Choice of Health Plan Options: Businesses, employees, and the uninsured will have the option of buying group insurance through a new Health Choices Menu. This Menu will give all Americans the same set of insurance options that their Member of Congress has. Without creating new bureaucracy, the Menu will be part of the Federal Employee Health Benefit Program (FEHBP), which includes numerous, high-quality private health insurance options.

3) A Choice of a Public Plan Option: In addition to the array of private insurance choices offered, the Health Choices Menu will also provide Americans with a choice of a public plan option, which could be modeled on the traditional Medicare program, but would cover the same benefits as guaranteed in private plan options in the Health Choices Menu without creating a new bureaucracy. The alternative will compete on a level playing field with traditional private insurance plans.

At first I thought it was darn swell of Hillary to allow individuals to keep their doctor if they have one. A close examination of her blessing reveals that she is not so choice-oriented when it came to anyone entering the system for the first time. Senator Clinton never said how much choice she allows when an individual changes doctors. Nor did the gruppenführer say what happens to choice when it comes to seeing a specialist for the first time?

In short: Keep your own doctor only implied that you could choose your own doctor. Based on statements made by Hillary Clinton, and every other Democrat, you had to select a doctor from a list provided by the government if your doctor retired, or if you changed doctors for any reason (moving to another city, etc.), or you need a specialist.

Aside from a loss of choice, the ACA meant that American taxpayers have to work harder to pay for free healthcare for strangers. Working harder does not guarantee that two working spouses will get more coverage for their own families in return for keeping less of their incomes. Productive Americans will get less of everything including a lot less individual liberty even without coverage for the millions of illegal aliens that Democrats sneaked into their legislation in addition to 10,535 regulations.

The “Keep your own doctor” lie is the most dangerous lie of all because patients cannot avoid the lousy doctors the ACA forces on the sick. It is either a bum or no doctor at all.

Before the ACA was passed I said it was an affirmative action program. “You can keep your own doctor” was an obvious lie at the time. Forcing white patients to see non-white doctors irrespective of the doctor’s competence was the goal. The predicted shortage of doctors guarantied that medical schools would lower standards in order to rush “non-white doctors” into the system.

Forcing white patients to see non-white doctors is the one thing Republicans and Democrats will never relinquish in any healthcare plan. You can bet your ass that any so-called Republican healthcare law will include the “We’s all God’s chillun” commandment.

Not only will many Americans be forced to go to government doctors like Joseph Mengele, the attitude among everybody in the healthcare industry will shift to where the poor and the frightened will be treated like dirt and/or guinea pigs. Today, Americans can still refuse recommended treatment, medication, and surgery. Signing up for the ACA has one ironclad guarantee: Your Right of refusal will disappear with compassion. See the Eric Hoffer quote following my signature.

Parenthetically, butchers seldom lost their licenses, or did jail time, before the ACA. What the hell do you think it is like now that 98 percent of the ACA is still on the books? Not only will butchers and run of the mill incompetent doctors and nurses get more protection under the ACA, every filthy immigrant parasite flocking to jobs in socialized medicine that harms a patient intentionally, or unintentionally, will have the additional protection of their labor union. The ranks, and the coffers, of the SEIU are expected to overflow after millions of parasites start paying dues with tax dollars.

Also, the awards in malpractice lawsuits were always the principal reason hospitals and doctors were kept in line. More so than jail time, or the Hippocratic oath sworn by doctors. Malpractice awards are limited under the ACA. So-called Tort Reform means limits on malpractice awards and patient protection irrespective of the claims made by ACA advocates.

I can understand Republicans wanting to reduce the incomes of trial lawyers, one of the Democrat party’s core constituencies, but why would Democrats go along with tort reform if not to protect healthcare professionals by limiting awards handed out by juries? Answer: There are a lot more parasites than there are trial lawyers on election day.

Socialized medicine abroad

Socialized medicine’s champions always praise socialized medicine in countries like England, Canada, and Cuba. Here is a few words about socialized medicine in foreign countries to show that it is far from wonderful.

For every horror story the Left tells about people without healthcare, there are 1000 horror stories done to the sick under socialized medicine.

Before listing the horrors lets look at the reason Democrats shutdown the government over the ACA rather than delay its implementation. Notice that the millions of parasites are not mentioned alongside the millions of beneficiaries:

President Obama’s refusal to sign a bill defunding or delaying his health care law and Republicans’ insistence that such measures be a part of any bill to continue funding government are what precipitated the ongoing government shutdown. Both sides are staking out firm positions because they are operating on the same assumption – that once Obamacare starts to roll out subsidies on Jan. 1., it will be impossible to undo, no matter how much of a disaster it is. Based on the experience across the pond, this may be exactly right.

As the Washington Examiner's Philip Klein detailed in an Oct. 3 special report from London, Britain's 65-year-old National Health Service is extraordinarily resistant to change.


Starting on Jan. 1 Obamacare will add millions of beneficiaries to Medicaid and hand out subsidies for individuals to purchase insurance. Even if the changes Obamacare is making cause severe problems for the nation’s health care system, it will become exceedingly difficult as a political matter for Republicans to strip away benefits from those already receiving them, no matter how shabby the benefits are.

In short: Democrats know that once parasites are seated at the public trough it will be impossible to unseat them. NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, ever loses government funding. In fact, the opposite is always true. Once funding begins it grows and grows until “It is too big to fail.” Millions of parasites will bring the ACA to that point faster than any previous program got there. Call it funding on steroids.

Now take a look at a few horrors that came with socialized medicine in just one hospital.

. . . the recent scandal at Stafford Hospital in Britain, where as many as 1,200 unnecessary deaths were blamed in a government report on the appalling state of care. Nurses put trays of food out of the reach of immobile patients and left people to relieve themselves in their own beds instead of helping them go to the bathroom. In some cases, patients even drank out of dirty flower vases in the hallways because they couldn’t get water anywhere else. Under the Liverpool Care Pathway – first developed in the late 1990s – thousands of families were uninformed when their loved ones were removed from life support, and in extreme cases relatives were scolded by nurses for trying to give water to their dying loved ones.

Examiner Editorial: Britain shows what Obamacare means for US
By Editorial Writer | OCTOBER 7, 2013 AT 5:32 AM

The inhuman treatment mentioned in the above excerpt were perpetrated by the same personality types who will rule the millions of parasites who staff hospitals, clinics, and testing labs in every state. You can take this to the bank. Nobody in government will suffer at the hands of the cruel bums they are hiring for the rest of us. Elected officials and government employees will receive the best of care just as they do in every Communist country. Patient care in the nation’s capital will excel in every respect.

Great Britain’s wonderful socialized medicine is a road map to where the lying sack of shit’s ACA took the country.

Patient protection?

Do not confuse the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act with actual patient protection since it does nothing to protect the already sick against fatal infections, incompetent doctors and nurses, addictive drugs, death panels, and AIDS-tainted blood from Africa.

I would be remiss if I did not mention AIDS contaminated blood purchased in Africa.

American blood banks purchase a lot of blood from Third World countries; primarily countries in Africa. Thirty or so years ago the tragedy of using blood contaminated by HIV/AIDS was rampant.

Safeguards were almost non-existent because blood banks maximize profits. Hospitals never showed an interest in making sure the blood they were giving patients was clean because our friends in the media never gave the scandal the coverage it deserved.

Have you ever wondered why the MSM dropped the contaminated-blood issue? The practice of buying blood from Africa was not stopped but the reporting was. It is not logical to believe that blood contaminated with AIDS is kept out the system at the same time the U.N. is always sucking around for more money to fight the AIDS epidemic in Africa.

As bad as contaminated blood is, how many Americans know that staph infections picked up in hospitals kills more people every year than does AIDS? Today’s totals are hard to pin down because hospital lobbies, and United Nations charity hustlers, have a vested interest in awarding the title to AIDS; nevertheless, I doubt if anything has changed since 2007:

Oct. 16, 2007 -- It appears that more people in the U.S. now die from the mostly hospital-acquired staph infection MRSA than from AIDS, according to a new report from the CDC.

Before hundreds of billions more tax dollars are sent into the healthcare system —— hospital deaths caused by hospitals should be reduced to zero.

Aside from the other horrors the number of patients that die each year in hospitals from infections they picked up in the hospital is tragic beyond words.

One of my heartfelt reforms focused on hospital deaths caused by staph infections that patients pick up in unsanitary hospitals. Conditions will worsen after millions of parasites get jobs with lifetime tenure attached. Unions will see to it that no dues-paying, filthy, lazy bum will ever be fired.

J. R. Dunn puts deaths from iatrogenic "superbug" infection at 30,000 a year in Great Britain. This excerpt is from the same article about Sarah Plain:

The British National Health Service, the mother of all nationalized health systems, has had what amounts to a "death panel" system since 2005. Under the terms of the Mental Capacity Act, patients unable to communicate with hospital personnel are considered to be "due to die" and are removed from all forms of life support, including food and water. In other words, given the same treatment meted out to Terry Schiavo.

The most notorious recent case involving this act occurred last year when Mrs. Ellen Westwood, an 88-year-old retiree, entered Birmingham's Selly Oak hospital for shoulder surgery. While recovering she caught the inevitable iatrogenic "superbug" infection, a daily occurrence in British hospitals, and one which costs up to 30,000 lives a year. Without further ado, the Selly Oak doctors declared Mrs. Westwood "due to die" and began the process of shutting her down.

Based on populations alone, American hospitals are only slightly better than hospital-caused deaths in the U.K. America’s population is over 300,000,000 while the U.K. has a population of 61,000,000. The number of deaths caused by hospitals is higher in Great Britain. That will change due to the aforementioned protections the ACA will provide for parasite scum.

Even if you cite the number of deaths caused by US hospitals the number of deaths from staph infections in the U.K. is a condemnation of socialized medicine everywhere. Hospital-caused deaths is a fair argument to use against those who point to socialized medicine in the U.K. as a model of compassion and efficiency.

Incidentally, the lower number of deaths in US hospitals has a lot to with lawsuits, and the fact that cruel indifference is yet to reach the levels found in U.K. hospitals.

Stimulus for patients

The public is treated to a wonderful image of a successful industry saving lives. The public seldom hears about the filth that hospital patients are subjected to every day. I would give another penny to the medical industry until that industry cleans up its act from top to bottom —— and I mean a provable permanent housecleaning. Before hundreds of billions of tax dollars are added to the healthcare system —— hospital deaths caused by unsanitary conditions should be reduced to zero.

The unsanitary conditions in existing hospitals has long been one of my complaints. Conditions can only worsen after the parasites dominate hospital staffs. My contention has been that single-occupancy rooms would go a long way towards reducing infections acquired in hospitals, not to mention improving overall patient comfort and care.

I suggested that existing hospitals be given five or so years to convert to single occupancy rooms. Any hospital failing to comply after the grace period has elapsed would lose ALL government reimbursements —— federal and state. Such a move toward reform on behalf of patients instead of reform designed to enrich insurance companies and Wall Street would spark a wave of new, “healthier” hospitals once the cost of new construction is compared to the cost of conversion.

Since hospitals are profit-making enterprises the owners could be given tax breaks to make the transition. I would not give them a penny of taxpayer money directly whether they build new, or convert existing hospitals. There is also a built-in financial stimulus to an economy that everybody in Washington always tells us needs fixing; a stimulus that actually helps everyone rather than just enriching insurance company executives and Wall Street sharpshooters.

Anybody who wants to followup can find plenty of medical horror stories out there that have nothing to do with lack of coverage. Here are two articles that will give you a good handle on where socialized medicine ends up:

JANUARY 8, 2009
Hospital Scrubs Are a Germy, Deadly Mess
Bacteria on doctor uniforms can kill you.


Deaths caused by hospital mistakes 'up 60 per cent in two years'
By Jon Swaine
Last Updated: 10:58AM GMT 06 Jan 2009

Here is one I never saw coming. I did not see that the doctor-shortage would be partially filled by incompetent foreign doctors. That is exactly where the ACA went.

Half of foreign doctors are below British standards

Half of foreign doctors would not be able to practise in Britain if they were subjected to the same level of scrutiny as British doctors, a study by University College London has found
By Sarah Knapton, Science Correspondent
12:01AM BST 18 Apr 2014
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Don't be a dumbass. Vote for whoever you want in the primary, but vote GOP in the general, even if you have to hold your nose to do it.
Don't be a dumbass. Vote for whoever you want in the primary,

To Dark Soul: Why bother? No trustworthy conservative will ever get the Republican Party’s nomination.

but vote GOP in the general,

To Dark Soul:
I am not a Republican; so I see no reason to vote for one.

even if you have to hold your nose to do it.

To Dark Soul: You might just as well vote for a Democrat instead of another establishment Republican. The stench and the result are the same.

Incidentally, I have been saying this since 2008: “Conservatives cannot yet elect a president, but they sure as hell can defeat a REPUBLICAN by staying home on election day.”

Trump & Company are lying to conservative voters about replacing the Democrat Party’s socialized medicine with something better. They either do not care if conservatives sit on their hands in 2020, or they are convinced they can win without conservative voters.
Trump can probably win if he only has to run against the New Green Deal:

Trump Wants 2020 Showdown: ‘If They Beat Me With The Green New Deal, I Deserve To Lose’
10:08 PM 04/02/2019 | Politics
Virginia Kruta | Associate Editor

A hundred positives cannot wipe out one negative. So Trump better stop fantasizing about winning on the New Green Deal alone that most voters already think is a joke dreamed up in a Socialist nuthouse. Instead of campaigning against the obvious, Trump better start figuring out ways not to lose:

Trump & Company are lying to conservative voters about replacing the Democrat Party’s socialized medicine with something better. They either do not care if conservatives sit on their hands in 2020, or they are convinced they can win without conservative voters.
For seven years Republicans ran on repealing Obamacare. They lied because they never intended to repeal Obamacare. Nobody in Congress will take billions in co-payments away from the insurance industry, or from Wall Street parasites. Trump & Company must think conservatives cannot see the same lies coming after the 2020 elections.

Consolidation is one more reason why Republican scum will never repeal Obamacare:

Now we continue to have a slew of healthcare hoaxes: corporate stakeholders, legislators and government agencies promise everything and have no accountability for their failure to keep their promises.

Take the large health systems’ claim that hospital consolidation and buying up physician practices would benefit consumers with cheaper prices from coordinated services and other unspecified savings. A major study of California hospital mergers found just the opposite. The analysis showed the price of an average hospital admission went up as much as 54 percent. When the large hospital systems bought doctors’ groups, the prices rose even more. There was as much as a 70 percent increase in prices of medical services in geographic areas with minimal competition. This finding seems obvious to any of us who has the choice of shopping at Walmart or Target or Costco.

Logic aside, some legislators believe that having the government take over medical care would solve our access and cost problems. Single payer means no competition whatsoever. The single payer plans (H.R. 1384 and S. 1804) that abolish private insurance leave patients with an empty choice. Patients can contract with a physician to pay cash for government medical services covered by the government. But if the physician contracts for such services he cannot be part of the government program for any patient for two years. Realistically, these single payer bills make it financially unfeasible for physicians to privately contract with patients. Thus, only well-heeled patients, along with independently wealthy doctors, can buy their way out of the system.

There are variations on the theme of government involvement that allow buy-ins to Medicare, Medicaid or iterations of the Affordable Care Act marketplaces. All of these all have the same defect: expanding the government healthcare monopoly.

The opioid crisis is an example of the unintended consequences of intervention by oversight agencies not directly involved in patient care. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), now the Joint Commission, a nonprofit organization that accredits more than 20,000 healthcare organizations and programs in the U.S, is for all practical purposes a government surrogate. In 2001, JCAHO declared that pain was the “fifth vital sign” that had to be addressed or face consequences. The Federation of American Medical Boards told physicians that “in the course of treatment,” large doses of opioids were just fine. Moreover, Medicare has a hospital payment formula that relies on patient satisfaction surveys. If the patients are satisfied, including being so zoned out on opiates that they can’t taste the bad food, the hospital is paid more. The hospital is penalized for a bad rating.

And now to deal with the opiate issue, the government has issued guidelines that have been found to be harmful to some patients. One-size-fits-all restrictions have caused physicians to fear being flagged as over-prescribers by the medical board. Consequently, some physicians are tapering patients off opioids more quickly than they would ideally like. And in the public eye, patients have been transformed from objects of compassion to criminal drug addicts.

Individualized medical care must not be reserved for the chosen few. Patients need physicians who are empathetic, thorough and not married to a medical cookbook written by disinterested third parties. Perhaps this is why Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones chose to have his heart surgery in the U.S. and not with his British homeland’s National Health Service.

Central control is not a good idea. Period. Do not believe the hoax perpetrated by the ruling class who will never have to live by their own rules. It is highly unlikely that Venezuela’s President Maduro is starving along with his people.

Hoaxes, scams and your medical care
Posted By Marilyn Singleton, M.D. On 04/04/2019 @ 6:49 pm
Trump has a way of browbeating the GOP into going along with him. Congress will come around to universal healthcare eventually.
As bad as contaminated blood is, how many Americans know that staph infections picked up in hospitals kills more people every year than does AIDS? Today’s totals are hard to pin down because hospital lobbies, and United Nations charity hustlers, have a vested interest in awarding the title to AIDS; nevertheless, I doubt if anything has changed since 2007:

Democrat butchers like N.Y.’s Governor Cuomo pattern their killing strategy after staph infection:

Move the cursor to 21:00


See number 39 permalink in this thread:

The public is treated to a wonderful image of a successful industry saving lives. The public seldom hears about the filth that hospital patients are subjected to every day. I would not give another penny to the medical industry until that industry cleans up its act from top to bottom —— and I mean a provable permanent housecleaning. Before hundreds of billions of tax dollars are added to the healthcare system —— hospital deaths caused by unsanitary conditions should be reduced to zero.

The unsanitary conditions in existing hospitals has long been one of my complaints. Conditions can only worsen after the parasites dominate hospital staffs. My contention has been that single-occupancy rooms would go a long way towards reducing infections acquired in hospitals, not to mention improving overall patient comfort and care.

I suggested that existing hospitals be given five or so years to convert to single occupancy rooms. Any hospital failing to comply after the grace period has elapsed would lose ALL government reimbursements —— federal and state. Such a move toward reform on behalf of patients instead of reform designed to enrich insurance companies and Wall Street would spark a wave of new, “healthier” hospitals once the cost of new construction is compared to the cost of conversion.

Since hospitals are profit-making enterprises the owners could be given tax breaks to make the transition. I would not give them a penny of taxpayer money directly whether they build new, or convert existing hospitals. There is also a built-in financial stimulus to an economy that everybody in Washington always tells us needs fixing; a stimulus that actually helps everyone rather than just enriching insurance company executives and Wall Street sharpshooters.
In this month's issue is an article about bigeye highway.
It's the road to Fish Tales and if You head south to Middle
Grounds you find more of this and if you head east to the
Atlantis you'll find more of that. But don't forget Block.
