Please Don't Lie.


New member
I guess "it's OK" with Liberals, that this Obama is freinds with people who have killed innocent American with Terrorist Bombs, is a White-Hating Racist, and HAS and WILL VOTE, TO KILL LIVE BABIES! You TELL them these things, you SHOW them his voting record, and they're like, "So What?" "Don't bother me with THAT, he's Black, articulate, clean, and he says "Hope and Change", a lot! And we HAVE to get EVEN for Bush beating Gore, in Florida, even though thwere was SIX RECOUNTS, and Gore was NEVER ahead!

Don't lie, any of you, and say "Ive already adressed that"! You KNOW that you CAN'T ADDRESS those subjects, like Baracks freindship with Racists and Terrorists, his VOTES to KILL LIVE BABIES, you can't adress ANY of those things, Haahaha! ALL you can DO, is call us RACISTS, when we ASK these questions, or usually, act like 3 year olds, and say "It's too HARD! I don't wanna PLAY, anymore, when you try and talk about hemmoroids, lip gloss, or motor oil. Do you think that STREGTHENS your position, of why this man should be President? Haaaaaaaa! I(t only shows how DEVOID OF PRICIPLE Liberals are, that you are AFRAID TO REPOND INTELLIGENTLY, Haha!

You can't even ANSWER WHY YOU'RE VOTING FOR THIS MAN! I've asked a DOZEN times, and NO ONE can give me an Intelligent answer, to why a NEW, FIRST-TERM Senator, with NO Foreign Experience, a RADICAL VIEW of America, and the World, is QUALIFIED TO BE PRESIDENT! And you're ALL AFRAID TO ANSWER! That's WHY, he doesn't have a PRAYER, in the general Election. Perhaps, if someone could articulate WHAT MAKES HIM A GOOD CANDIDATE, maybe the REASONABLE 65% of America that will NEVER vote for him TODAY, might consider it, even if he DOES vote to Kill Live babies.

Damo, can we merge this with one of his other repeating threads. He asks the same questions all the time and we answer them:

We're racist and we kill babies....

move on.
To be fair, you have to kill the babies before you eat them at your terrorist dinner party. Eating live babies is cruel.
Its not so much the cruelty of eating live babies. We have no problem there. Its that they are just so damn noisy. And there is always the potential for leakage.

A nice dry white wine goes well with baby. But, depending on how they are cooked, you can also go with a Rose' or a nice light red wine. Its not the faux pax it once was. If the baby is roasted, charbroiled or sauteed, the red wine is perfectly acceptable. But never serve red wine if the baby has been poached, stewed, baked or served with a glaze.
Its not so much the cruelty of eating live babies. We have no problem there. Its that they are just so damn noisy. And there is always the potential for leakage.
A nice dry white wine goes well with baby. But, depending on how they are cooked, you can also go with a Rose' or a nice light red wine. Its not the faux pax it once was. If the baby is roasted, charbroiled or sauteed, the red wine is perfectly acceptable. But never serve red wine if the baby has been poached, stewed, baked or served with a glaze.

Solitary wins. I don't think I can top that.