Pledge of No Allegiance

El Veto-Voter

Rugged Individualist
“I pledge no allegiance to any piece of cloth, or to any political organization for which it stands, nor will I accept the claim that any country is indivisible, because I understand that the purpose of government is to infringe on the liberty and justice for all.”

Is it un-patriotic to refuse to pledge allegiance to the flag? Yes.

Is it un-American to refuse to pledge allegiance to the flag? No.

Why do I refuse to pledge?

It is my assertion that being blindly patriotic is un-American. Taking any “pledge of allegiance” goes against the principles of freedom that the United States of America were founded upon.

The very first line “I pledge allegiance to the flag...” makes the promise that the pledger agrees to be a “liege”. A liege is a slave. Therefore pledging allegiance to anything or anybody goes against the principles of freedom.

A flag is an inanimate piece of cloth, a symbol of power and coercion. It cannot make decisions. It cannot give orders. Being a slave to a piece of cloth is such a silly notion that only constant brainwashing repetition can make it seem reasonable.

The phrase “... the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible...” is abhorrent to the original founding principles of America, because people should be free to separate or secede from any organization that they choose to leave. This phrase was written as an excuse for the northern states to force southern and western states to remain part of the union against their will. Its purpose is to enslave everybody by denying the right to secede.

The phrase “... under God...” was added during the Cold War as a claim that God is directing American foreign policy. This claim should be as abhorrent to believers in God as it is to non-believers. What sort of God would use military force to prop up some dictators while overthrowing others? What sort of God would bribe foreign leaders to do our bidding? What sort of God would condone the lying, stealing, killing and corruption that US foreign policy is based upon? This view of God makes him seem so weak that he has to rely on a huge military machine, with troops based all over the world, in order to force his will on the people of the earth. That certainly goes against the biblical vision of God controlling the universe.

The phrase “... with liberty and justice for all” is the final insult to the intelligence of the pledgers. How could one be expected to pledge to be a liege if there were liberty and justice for all? Being a slave to liberty is a ridiculous oxymoron.

Each person is either a slave or a free person. The “Pledge of Allegiance” was just one step in reducing the free people of America to serfdom.

As history has shown, and current events continue to prove, there is no "liberty and justice for all" under any form of government. There is liberty (special privilege) for certain lieges, and a perversion of justice that sometimes appears to work. But in reality the purpose of the nation-state is to protect the liege masters (privileged class) while ruling the lieges.

Does it seem bizarre that we are asked to pledge to be lieges as a way to safeguard our freedom?

So, I ask you to join with me in reciting the “Pledge of No Allegiance” whenever the myrmidons around you are reciting the un-American, but patriotic, “Pledge of Allegiance”. I also ask that you take those opportunities to educate those who mistakenly believe that reciting the “Pledge of Allegiance” and other patriotic gobbledygook are supporting American liberty and justice.

This has been an Antidote to Brainwashing.