PNAC site dissapears

When you have no thoughts its best to stay quiet, when you open your mouth and spew random bullshit it makes it clear that you have no thoughts.
We already know that desh.............

When you have no thoughts its best to stay quiet, when you open your mouth and spew random bullshit it makes it clear that you have no thoughts.

please put down the shovel and take your own advice above...!
Man you cant even come up with your own line can you?

How is posting that the PNAC site has disappeared doing any digging.

Its the death of your world view is what it is.
It just cracks me up how you on the right can do nothing but spew personal insults.

I posted and article for discussion, do you care to comment on the article or are you sticking to the fucking idiots game of personal insults?
I second that hmmmmm. This is obviously a suspicious event that needs further exploration. hmmm--What do you think, Desh ?
It just cracks me up how you on the right can do nothing but spew personal insults.

I posted and article for discussion, do you care to comment on the article or are you sticking to the fucking idiots game of personal insults?

Pay no mind to the village dummies on the right. In fact, you should pity them.

Here they are PROVEN dumb as fuck, no hope for any right-wing celebrations in November, the country is running away from them as fast as it can, and they don't even have the intellect to intelligently discuss the significance of PNAC running for cover.

Seriously, are you surprised?

Did you seriously think you'd get insightful conversation from Bravo or BB?

PNAC's disappearance hammers another nail in the coffin of the neocons and the right-wing. Once so bold that they put the plans to for the fraud of Iraq on the web thinking themselves so powerful that no one could do anything about it, especially the American people.

They were so bold they even publicly told Bush that if he didn't have the evidence to invade Iraq, he should lie about it .. and lie about it is just what he did.

Now, they run like rabbits for cover.

An omen of things to come.
How does one make the leap of logic to assume that because someone no longer has a website that they are gone?

Who said they are gone?

Anyone who knows anything about the machinations of this cabal knows they haven't gone anywhere.

However, the significance of it .. in my opinion .. is that they've been forced back underground. As I stated, they once were so bold that they put all the evidence of the mindfuck Americans had been hypnotized into beliveing was real right on the internet. Of course, the key to the mindfuck was a belief in the Hollywood-driven mentality of the American people .. and they were right.

We are a created people. Shaped by Hollywood.

Do you know what the "rescue of Jessica Lynch" was? .. that was Hollywood .. directed by Jerry Bruckheimer .. FOR REAL.

Do you know what the "Toppling of Saddam's statue" was? .. that was Hollywood .. want to see a picture of the stage?

Pat Tillman? .. Hollywoood .. gone bad.

Shock and Awe? .. Hollywood .. gone bad.

9/11? .. too deep for this conversation .. but the rest of planet earth already knows what created people do not.

How does any of this relate to PNAC going underground? .. PNAC has been the center of intelligence and the driving force of neocon thought and agenda. Prior to 9/11 they openly advocated for the invasion of Iraq and stated that a "New Pearl Harbor" would be required to pull off their vison of a new world order.

If you take a look at the memebrship of PNAC and who signed the letters to both Bill Clinton and W asking them to attack Iraq, and the letter to W suggesting that he lie about a pretext to invade .. and you still think what I've said has no merit .. then you would be .. in my opinion .. said created people.
Diuretic did. and Bravo too.

You're right about Bravo, but he was pointing to supposed insignificance of PNAC .. which of course would be an unlearned comment.

I think Diuretic might have only been talking about the site .. but my comment to you was in case you were implying me.