Poet Banned, Rule 12

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on indefiniate mod break
He's been banned for rule 12b, calling a member a pedo in a very plain, matter of fact manner.

Right now the ban is just a temp place holder while we discuss length.

However given this is his 4th time being banned, (unless I am missing something), and he was specifically told when he came back last time that if he did this again he might be perma'd, a permaban is a very distinct possibility. If not perma, it will be for a long time.

As always, rule 12(b) is a very well known, well enforced, unwavering rule we have. It should come as no shock to anyone that a member would be banned for this type of thing.

Will update when we have more info.
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Poet has been permabanned.

The reasons are for:

1) his 4 rule violations
2) He had advance warning to not continue to do it. It was one of the first things he was told when he came back a few months ago.
3) The things he has said in the past have been sexually graphic rule 12 violations. This latest time he just straight up called someone something that isn't allowed. His infractions have always been clear, un-murky, "no gray area" type rule breaks.
4) He has showed no desire to not break the rules going forward in the future. He's just beyond helping.

Everyone knows how strict we are with rule 12, and we gave him 4 separate chances. He willingly broke the rule a 4th time. He had to go.
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