Political Collectibles...


Staff member


Their math needs a bit of help on the buy 3 get 2 deal... It would be 89 and some change, not 99... I mean... It's like going to a Girls Scout Cookie sale and learning they are 4 dollars a box or 5 for $25 and thinking you got a deal with the 5 for $25 thing...
Please tell me this isn't real.

Please tell me this isn't real.
Of course it is real, Trump shells Bibles, sneakers, comic books, steaks, vodka, Trump monopoly game, water, shirts, ties, hats, shoes, mattresses, education, perfumes, pillows, lights, coffee, key chains, puzzles, etc, list is endless, anything that makes a dime

Bigger wonder is why anyone buys it, although, in most cases, people don’t