Political Correctness Used to Be Funny. Now It’s No Joke.


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But back in benighted 1993, the year I graduated from college, we couldn’t fathom such censoriousness. That was the year Comedy Central introduced the political talk show “Politically Incorrect,” hosted by Bill Maher. Four years later, the show crossed over to network television — network television! — where ABC aired it until advertisers balked over comments Maher made about Sept. 11. The concern? Insufficient patriotism.

Expressing the opposite sentiment today — when merely referring to yourself as “American” is enough to be deemed “imperialist” — is what might get you in trouble.

People have clearly lost their sense of humor.


We used to call them PC. They were always the biggest assholes in the room.
Political Correctness is a circular argument from the get go.

Whose politics? The Democrats? The Republicans? Those are the only political parties of any relevance. AND THEY DO NOT AGREE ON ANYTHING ANYMORE.

So who gets to decide what is politically correct and what is not?

Once one of my Republican friends tried to tell me that I was being politically incorrect, after I sent his family a Christmas Card that said Happy Holidays on it.

He said, Happy Holidays was politically incorrect, and that they do not say that in his house. He said we only say Merry Christmas.

I told him that I intended for the card to cover both Christmas and New Years, but he said I was just being a liberal by intentionally not saying Merry Christmas.

I told him, that I didn't intend any harm, and I just took him off my Christmas Card list!

I mean, for crying out loud folks! :palm:
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Political Correctness is a circular argument from the get go.

Whose politics? The Democrats? The Republicans? Those are the only political parties of any relevance. AND THEY DO NOT AGREE ON ANYTHING ANYMORE.

So who gets to decide what is politically correct and what is not?

The PC people are liberals attacking other liberals for not sharing their political judgments.