Political rape of the DOJ is now considered fact



Justice Department Report on Hiring Finds Violations

Published: July 28, 2008
Filed at 10:59 a.m. ET

Text of the Report (pdf)WASHINGTON (AP) -- A new Justice Department report concludes that politics illegally influenced the hiring of career prosecutors and immigration judges, and largely lays the blame on top aides to former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

Monday's report singles out the department's former White House liaison, Monica Goodling, for violating federal law and Justice Department policy by discriminating against job applicants who weren't Republican or conservative loyalists.

''Goodling improperly subjected candidates for certain career positions to the same politically based evaluation she used on candidates for political positions,'' the report concludes.

In one instance, Justice investigators found, Goodling objected to hiring an assistant prosecutor in Washington because ''judging from his resume, he appeared to be a liberal Democrat.''

In another, she rejected an experienced terror prosecutor to work on counterterror issues at a Justice Department headquarters office ''because of his wife's political affiliations,'' the report found.

Mayer: Top DOJ Lawyers Spoke ‘In Codes’ For Fear Of Being Wiretapped By White House ‘Lunatics’

Think Progress
Sunday, July 28, 2008

Last night on PBS, Bill Moyers interviewed investigative journalist Jane Mayer and mentioned that in Mayer’s new book, she notes that FBI agents refused to participate in the CIA’s interrogation of terror suspects at Guantánamo Bay because they determined it to be “borderline torture.” Moyers then asked, “Who were some of the other conservative heroes, as you call them, in your book?”

Mayer remembered one top Justice Department lawyer and “very conservative member of this administration” who said that after participating in White House meetings authorizing torture, he believed that “lunatics had taken over the country.”

Mayer said two other top DOJ lawyers had to develop a system of speaking codes because they feared they were being wiretapped while others described an “atmosphere of intimidation,” mainly from Vice President Dick Cheney:

MAYER: There was such an atmosphere of intimidation. … They felt so endangered in some ways that, at one point, two of the top lawyers from the Justice Department developed this system of talking in codes to each other because they thought they might be being wiretapped…by their own government. They felt like they might be kind of weirdly in physical danger. They were actually scared to stand up to Vice President Cheney.
I hope enough stuff comes out after Bush and cheny are out of there that they bwecome the first pres and VP to be prosecuted and imprisioned after leaving office.
I figure bush will do a blanket pardon on the war crimes aspect.
Like his pappy did with the Iran contra traitors.
he doesnt control international law.

He will pretty much do anything to protect his and his masters asses.

It scares me.
There are plenty of people serving very draconian sentences in the federal prison system. How come only people close to the president are ever pardoned? How can these people even maintain a minimal shred of dignity after doing things like pardoning Nixon and the Iran Contra crew or Scooter Libby? Scooter Libby was to serve a light sentence for his action. To commute a sentence before it's started is unheard of. How can they pretend like they're acting with neutrality? It's a fucking joke.

And there are people in prison right now doing life without parole sentences for non-violent crimes. And the first person that pops into Bush's head is poor old buddy Scooter. Pitiful.
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Trog the DOJ is not currently left.

This was an investigation done by the DOJ head Bush appointed.
I hope we then hand them over to be procecuted for war crimes.

We have some nice comfortable cells at the War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague that I'm sure we'd be willing to make available. We'd need to make sure we kept one free for Tony Blair, however.

If the US ever signed up for the International Criminal Court we'd be happy to prosecute not only those who authorised the torture, but all of those who carried out those authorisations.
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Maybe BushCheney could be kidnapped? After all the US Supreme Court says it's okay to kidnap folks from other countries and put them before US courts. So BushCheney should be snatched by security forces like the Israelis did with Eichmann and they should be made to front the ICC. :clink: