Political Triple Dead Heat


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There have been a number of triple dead-heats. The Carter Handicap ran at Aqueduct in 1944 is the most famous thoroughbred triple:


Bossuet (127 lbs), Wait A Bit (118 lbs) and Brownie (115 lbs)

In thoroughbred racing the track’s racing secretary assigns the weights to each horse in a handicap race. The goal is to bring every horse to the wire at the same time. The track’s steward made the decision before the camera was adopted. In 1936, Hialeah Race Track was the first to let the camera settle the argument.

Parenthetically, I remember a story about Pancho Villa. It seems he had a horse entered in a race at Tijuana race track. As fate would have it the finish was a close one. The owners of the horses involved always go to the steward’s booth to await the decision. Pancho arrived dressed in his usual sartorial elegance:

The steward sweated bullets before he finally ruled against Villa. A tense confrontation ended happily when Pancho simply nodded, turned and walked out.

Political races are different. Losers shoot the winner when they lose. Al Gore, and Hillary Clinton are the two best-known losers.

Unintended consequences is more deadly than political sore losers. Our lawmakers are guilty of hundreds of destructive unintended consequences. Freedom of the press is the biggest flaw in the original Bill of Rights. Freedom of the press also gave the country the first destructive unintended consequence:

Americans rightfully care about freedom of speech not freedom of the press. Private sector freedoms can live very well without freedom of the press, but they will die without ABSOLUTE political freedom of speech.

If Americans want to protect the First Amendment start by eliminating these four words ——“or of the press” —— so that it reads:

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Notice that the press would still enjoy freedom of speech like the rest of us, but they would have to defend freedom of speech as a matter of self-interest instead of only defending their constitutional privilege while they feed the rest us to Socialist/Communist wolves.


NOTE: Freedom of the press abuses it constitutional privilege in order to convince Americans that their country is a democracy. How many Americans would believe the U.S. is a democracy if the press did not report Socialists saying it on television every day?

I am waiting with bated breath to hear one television mouth challenge a Socialist/Communist lying about democracy.

The Chicago sewer rat’s fears are well-founded. That is why he is fighting a last ditch attempt to save the Democracy Movement.


“In my farewell address in Chicago over two years ago, I said something I still firmly believe today: Being a citizen is the most important job in our democracy,” Obama began his pitch.


The XVI Amendment’s unintended consequences gave us the welfare state and the Parasite Class.

The XVII Amendment is responsible for long-serving senators. Does anyone doubt that Joe Biden’s 36 years as a U.S. Senator was not a destructive unintended consequence?

I cannot cite all of the federal government’s hundreds of unintended consequences. From the ones I am familiar with I have to call these three a triple dead heat for the prize.

1. Open borders.

2. Membership in the United Nations.

3. The 19th Amendment.


Finally, every destructive unintended consequence is the result of misguided good intentions. I cannot name one favorable unintended consequence that was born of touchy-feely morality.
NOTE: Freedom of the press abuses it constitutional privilege in order to convince Americans that their country is a democracy. How many Americans would believe the U.S. is a democracy if the press did not report Socialists saying it on television every day?

I am waiting with bated breath to hear one television mouth challenge a Socialist/Communist lying about democracy.

Birdbrain invokes the Constitution —— then tells Americans to love democracy that our Founding Fathers despised:

Wednesday at a press conference on Capitol Hill, House Oversight Committee chairman Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) begged the American people to pay attention to the details in former special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony before Congress.

Cummings said, “Our speaker made it clear that we needed to paint a picture for America so that they could fully understand what is going on. This is a critical moment in our country’s history. Don’t be fooled. And it is a moment which people will be talking about and reading about 300, 400, 500 years from now. They are going to ask the question, what did you do when we had a president who knew the rules and knew that our founding fathers had done a great job of creating a Constitution and had put in all the guardrails, but never anticipated that we would have a president that would just throw away the guardrails. And that’s why what happened today is so critical. It was a giant step in making sure that the American people got a picture of all of this and hopefully will look toward the future and say ‘we’re not going to have this.'”

He continued, “It’s not about not liking the president. It’s about loving democracy. It’s about loving our country. It’s about making a difference for generations yet unborn. That’s what this is all about. And I’m begging. I’m begging the American people to pay attention to what is going on because if you want to have a democracy intact for your children and your children’s children and generations yet unborn, we have got to guard this moment. This is our watch.”

Cummings: ‘I’m Begging the American People to Pay Attention’ — Our Democracy Is at Stake
by Pam Key
24 Jul 2019


Bottom line: Race hustlers and tax dollar parasites love democracy because it gives them wealth and political power taken away from everybody else.
Interesting idea.
The only flaw is a general lack of libel and slander suits brought when the press goes to bias.
If you say it you better be able to prove it.
Interesting idea.
The only flaw is a general lack of libel and slander suits brought when the press goes to bias.

To Celticguy: Alas, the press will always take all the best of it in lawsuits. The best shot at nailing an individual journalist is in a criminal court. Even then getting past a bias judge protecting one of the government’s own is impossible because the electronic press is an instrument of propaganda; so is print press when it leans one way or the other. Basically:

The only justification for a free press is when it maintains an antagonistic relationship towards government; every government —— liberal and conservative, democracy and dictatorship. America’s free press has not been antagonistic toward government in more than a century. Television actually promotes government as well as glorifying government parasites regardless of what they do; hence, freedom of the press is the one First Amendment freedom that is not worth defending.

Incidentally, decades before television replaced print it was Hollywood propagandists who told Americans that a free press and those rummies in Washington have an antagonistic relationship when the exact opposite was true.


Permit me to elaborate on one of my favorite topics:

A free press is supposed to keep the public informed so that Americans can protect themselves from the incremental evils inherent in big government. During the 1960 presidential campaigns both print and electronic media abandoned their reason for their existence. Both conspired to defeat Richard Nixon —— then ignored the theft after JFK stole the election. A few years later “America’s most trusted man.” anchorman Walter Cronkite, went foreign when he declared the war in Vietnam was lost when it was not. Instead of hauling Uncle Walter into a criminal court the entire industry made him a saint.

Print press and television repeatedly warn us about the Right's attack on our individual liberties, while they lead a devastating attack from the Left. The free press’ attack against the American people was pooh-poohed away when MEDIA ITSELF trivialized betrayal as a harmless left-leaning bias.

It might be news to you that the term fourth estate has been around for centuries. In Europe, going back to medieval times, the people who participated in the political life of a country were generally divided into three classes or estates. In England they were the three groups with representation in Parliament, namely, the nobility, the clergy, and the common people. Some other group, like the mob or the public press, that had an unofficial but often great influence on public affairs, was called the fourth estate. In the 19th century, fourth estate came to refer exclusively to the press, and now it's applied to all branches of the news media.

https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fourth estate

TELEVISION is The Fifth Estate. Television is also a branch of government. Whether or not print press leans Left or Right they conspire with television to advocate bigger government and more control over private sector citizens.

Electronic news and entertainment shows clearly promote bigger government. Analyze the dialogue in lawyer shows, cop shows, doctor shows, teacher shows, etc., and you will see what I mean.

As far as electronic news organizations go I need not cite examples. Talking heads are all worn-out jokes extremely well-paid propagandists reading from a script.

Incidentally, here are a few ways the public can tell the electronic press does not have First Amendment protection:

1. The government can, and did, ban tobacco ads on TV and radio but could not touch print press. Tobacco products are still advertised in print. If the general public's health is truly the government's reason for banning electronic tobacco ads, I have to conclude that the health of Americans who read newspapers and magazines are not included in the government's concerns.

2. Anti-tobacco forces went to court trying to restrict print press tobacco ads to black and white only. I do not recall how much coverage media gave to that case.

There was no photography or color when the Constitution was written. Political cartoons were the only "pictures" being published at the time the Constitution was written. Political cartoons have more First Amendment protection than does photographs which have no protection at all when push comes to shove.

3. Campaign finance reform laws did not touch print press before Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, nor will it should Citizens United be repealed. Those in government know that TV is infinitely more influential than print. No matter how Citizens United goes in the future, the government can live with print press rather than create a constitutional crisis. At the same time the federal government is acquiring even more control over the electronic press than they now exercise through the Ministry of Propaganda (FCC). Notice that both print and the majority electronic press advocate the Democrat Party’s position on campaign finance laws for reasons of their own. The electronic press always does what Democrats tell them to do. Should a network disobey they will lose their broadcast license. Should the television industry disobey they will lose their advertising tax deduction.

4. When a congressional committee summons network heads to testify, they show up on bended knee. If a congressional committee summoned publishers, they would tell that committee where to go in a hurry. The fact is that networks and newspapers rely upon tax deductible advertising dollars. However, newspaper publishers must defend their First Amendment Right in order to keep the government from diminishing that Right as it surely will do at the first opportunity. Network parasites only have to protect their advertising tax exempt incomes.

The ugly truth is: Media tells Americans they have an obligation to save the world with Socialism’s collectivism; i.e. the tax collector’s morality.

If you say it you better be able to prove it.

To Celticguy: The worst of it is: The First Amendment protects the press’ right to lie. Naturally, they lie like hell about political causes. Bottom line: There is only one way to take a big bite out of a bias newspaper or a television network’s political agenda. Remove these four words from the First Amendment:

“or of the press”
To Celticguy: The worst of it is: The First Amendment protects the press’ right to lie.

No, it doesnt.

To Celticguy: The First Amendment says “Congress shall make no laws. . .”.

No laws means no laws. It does not mean that constitutional protection is only granted to truthful speech. Nor does it require the press to tell the truth. Hell, there would be no advertising if the press stopped lying. Indeed, the First Amendment gave the press a license to lie.

The problem Democrats are having is that they demand everybody else tells the truth in the press, while Socialists retain their constitutional Right to lie about everything.

The bother and expense allows it to go unchecked.

To Celticguy: There is no cost to plaintiffs when their lawyers take a case on a contingency fee. In those instances when the defendants (a newspaper, or a network) lose the case they pay:

. . . slander awards with tax exempt advertising dollars. No lawyer will ever take a case when there is no money at the end of the rainbow. Take away tax exempt advertising dollars and you will see how fast media slander disappears when the Washington Post and CNN have to pay those awards with their own money.


In short: The press’ attorneys are paid with tax deductible advertising dollars. So irrespective of which side wins the case taxpayers pick up the tab to protect the press’ Right to lie.

It’s about loving democracy.

This is the democracy birdbrain wants Americans to love:

"Cumming District," on the other hand, "is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous & filthy place."


President Trump finished his tweetstorm by wondering why so "much money [is] sent to the Elijah Cummings district when it is considered the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States. No human being would want to live there. Where is all this money going? How much is stolen?"

Trump Goes Nuclear on Cummings: 'His District Is a Disgusting, Rat and Rodent Infested Mess'
By Michael van der Galien
July 27, 2019

Another democracy douche bag chimes in.

Considering what Obama and his 149 African American alumni did to this country for eight years he plays fast and lose with the word “patriots”:

The op-ed, titled “We are African Americans, we are patriots, and we refuse to sit idly by,” was penned by 149 African American alumni of the Obama administration in support of congresswomen of color who were recently attacked by the president and told to “go back” to their home countries.

I have a question for the 149: Does every American have the Right to decide who they associate with? If the answer is yes, hate-filled blacks do not have to associate white Americans. Most white Americans sure as hell do not want anything to do with them.

It is race hustling blacks who use democracy as a wedge to force themselves on white Americans. Rather than leave the country they hate I suggest they live in all-black towns and neighborhoods where they do not have to look at white people. You can be sure if whites go where they are not wanted blacks will do more than tell them to leave. You can also be sure that blacks will pound the piss out of white do-gooder freaks who show up where they are not wanted.

“We stand with congresswomen Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib, as well as all those currently under attack by President Trump, along with his supporters and his enablers, who feel deputized to decide who belongs here — and who does not,” they wrote in the op-ed.

Obama says he's 'proud of' former staffers who slammed Trump for 'poisoning of our democracy' in fiery op-ed
By Aris Folley
07/27/19 05:05 PM EDT


Bottom line: Take everybody who says “That is not the kind people we are.” and shove them where the sun never shines.
I am waiting with bated breath to hear one television mouth challenge a Socialist/Communist lying about democracy.

Obama’s guy made his prediction on a Ouija Board:

David Axelrod, former President Barack Obama’s chief campaign strategist, said Saturday that President Donald Trump’s criticism of Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) and the Democrat-run city of Baltimore could cost him the 2020 election.

David Axelrod: If Trump Loses 2020, Him Slamming Cummings & Baltimore ‘Will be Why’
by Joshua Caplan
27 Jul 2019


Trump’s base, a fair percentage of Democrats, legal immigrants, and independents will give Trump a victory because he is fighting to protect this country’s sovereignty. Conservative Americans will give Trump a landslide because he stood up to a black race hustler preaching democracy.
There have been a number of triple dead-heats. The Carter Handicap ran at Aqueduct in 1944 is the most famous thoroughbred triple:


Bossuet (127 lbs), Wait A Bit (118 lbs) and Brownie (115 lbs)

In thoroughbred racing the track’s racing secretary assigns the weights to each horse in a handicap race. The goal is to bring every horse to the wire at the same time. The track’s steward made the decision before the camera was adopted. In 1936, Hialeah Race Track was the first to let the camera settle the argument.

Parenthetically, I remember a story about Pancho Villa. It seems he had a horse entered in a race at Tijuana race track. As fate would have it the finish was a close one. The owners of the horses involved always go to the steward’s booth to await the decision. Pancho arrived dressed in his usual sartorial elegance:

The steward sweated bullets before he finally ruled against Villa. A tense confrontation ended happily when Pancho simply nodded, turned and walked out.

Political races are different. Losers shoot the winner when they lose. Al Gore, and Hillary Clinton are the two best-known losers.

Unintended consequences is more deadly than political sore losers. Our lawmakers are guilty of hundreds of destructive unintended consequences. Freedom of the press is the biggest flaw in the original Bill of Rights. Freedom of the press also gave the country the first destructive unintended consequence:

Americans rightfully care about freedom of speech not freedom of the press. Private sector freedoms can live very well without freedom of the press, but they will die without ABSOLUTE political freedom of speech.

If Americans want to protect the First Amendment start by eliminating these four words ——“or of the press” —— so that it reads:

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Notice that the press would still enjoy freedom of speech like the rest of us, but they would have to defend freedom of speech as a matter of self-interest instead of only defending their constitutional privilege while they feed the rest us to Socialist/Communist wolves.


NOTE: Freedom of the press abuses it constitutional privilege in order to convince Americans that their country is a democracy. How many Americans would believe the U.S. is a democracy if the press did not report Socialists saying it on television every day?

I am waiting with bated breath to hear one television mouth challenge a Socialist/Communist lying about democracy.

The Chicago sewer rat’s fears are well-founded. That is why he is fighting a last ditch attempt to save the Democracy Movement.


“In my farewell address in Chicago over two years ago, I said something I still firmly believe today: Being a citizen is the most important job in our democracy,” Obama began his pitch.


The XVI Amendment’s unintended consequences gave us the welfare state and the Parasite Class.

The XVII Amendment is responsible for long-serving senators. Does anyone doubt that Joe Biden’s 36 years as a U.S. Senator was not a destructive unintended consequence?

I cannot cite all of the federal government’s hundreds of unintended consequences. From the ones I am familiar with I have to call these three a triple dead heat for the prize.

1. Open borders.

2. Membership in the United Nations.

3. The 19th Amendment.


Finally, every destructive unintended consequence is the result of misguided good intentions. I cannot name one favorable unintended consequence that was born of touchy-feely morality.

You sure put a lot of time and effort, in posting this nonsense.
Put this one in the the NO SHIT! filing cabinet:

NAACP: Impeach ‘Occupant’ of WH for ‘Vile Racist Attack’ on Cummings
by Tony Lee
27 Jul 2019


I do not have to see these people in person. The look on their faces in a photograph tells me everything about them.

Every time I see black race hustlers pissing and moaning I wonder why NAACP parasites never demonstrate with signs that say “We’s All God’s Chillun.” I guess they do not believe it because the title of their organization says “Advancement of Colored People.” In plain English “Advancement” means beat down the white race.

Regardless of the “economic equality of rights” bullshit the NAACP has been spouting since 1909 the Civil Rights Movement gave every one of the 500,000 membership an excuse to demand a tax dollar income.

This is the truth every male and female race hustler learns as soon as they learn how to complain:

Racism is an invented sin; a twentieth century crime invented by sharpshooters, race hustlers, do gooders and religious fanatics. Racism is an invented sin that became a crime. Hear me out on this before labeling me a racist.

There is no mention of racism in the text of any of the major religions, or laws, judicial systems, cultures, or anywhere else. Not one religious leader, philosopher, or political thinker ever heard about racism before the 20th century for one very good reason. RACISM DID NOT EXIST until it appeared when it was invented by race hustlers and dirty little moralists decades after the American Civil War ended.

Racism is not an original sin. Hatred exists, greed exists, envy, jealousy, and all of mankind’s character flaws are all too real, but not racism. Racism is nothing more than hatred’s latest disguise worn by some individuals for profit.

Racism is the sweetest, most profitable, long-running, con job every black race hustler gets away with; i.e., the black race is morally superior. The scam was designed and executed to show that the black race is superior to every other race —— ergo, every black criminal, pervert, and murderer is morally superior to the entire race of white devils.


I know what democracy did for tax dollar parasites. I also know that for 118 years the NAACP played a big part in destroying black culture, black families, and generations of black children who were lucky enough to avoid abortion slaughterhouses.

p.s. Expect the NAACP to turn Trump’s latest attack on the Democrat Party’s failures into racism:

President Trump on Sunday resumed his attacks on Democrats, targeting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a tweet.

“Speaking of failing badly, has anyone seen what is happening to Nancy Pelosi’s district in San Francisco,” Trump wrote. “It is not even recognizable lately. Something must be done before it is too late. The Dems should stop wasting time on the Witch Hunt Hoax and start focusing on our Country!”

Trump attacks Pelosi and her San Francisco district
Jul 28th 2019 9:35AM


This lady speaks volumes about Birdbrain Cummings' priorities:

In another video, Michelle addressed the widespread left-wing criticism that Trump is a “racist.”

After a day of criticism from the left, the president renewed his critique of Cummings and his Baltimore district, circulating the views of Baltimore resident Michelle, who blasted Cummings and said he “hasn’t done anything” for them.

“I’ve never heard anyone say anything about him [Cummings]. And everyone wants to talk about Donald Trump– Donald Trump this, Donald Trump that. Why is this man over there taking care of people at the border?” she asked.

“We’re hungry. We need a place to stay. We feel like we’re in a ‘concentration camp,’ and it’s just sad. People worried more about them [illegal immigrants] than his own people,” she continued. “It’s just crazy.”

Resident of Baltimore Agrees with Trump: Cummings ‘Hasn’t Done Anything for Us’
by Hannah Bleau
27 Jul 2019

I was hoping somebody with a public voice would point out that Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi is a daughter of Baltimore. Her father and brother were mayors. Move the cursor to 7:00:



I am not stretching it too far when I say that Pelosi’s family laid the foundation for today’s corrupt Baltimore:

Nancy Pelosi Biography
March 26, 1940 • Baltimore, Maryland


I assume all of those family ties to the Mafia taught “The Mayor’s Daughter” how to govern:

San Fran Nan: Learned to be a Bully By Corrupt Father, Mafia Don’s and Assorted Criminals
December 14, 2017
By Stephen Frank


Diarrhea Mouth learned well:

Elijah Cummings was Pelosi’s demolition expert the first time she was speaker.

"Where is Hillary?"

That was the question then-U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice's mother asked when she told her she would be appearing on all five Sunday morning political shows on Sept. 16, 2012 — just five days after the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The plan was to appear in place of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, at the White House’s request.

"I smell a rat,” her mother said. “This is not a good idea. Can't you get out of it?"

The exchange was detailed in Rice's new book, “Tough Love: My Story of the Things Worth Fighting For," as she recalled what led to and what fueled the biggest political controversy of her government career — those appearances on "Fox News Sunday," ABC's "This Week," CBS' "Face the Nation," NBC's "Meet the Press," and CNN's "State of the Union.” Her flawed characterization of the attacks as resulting from a spontaneous protest later made her the target of GOP criticism that ultimately led to her withdrawing from consideration to succeed Clinton as secretary of state.

Susan Rice book airs frustration with being put on air in Clinton's place after Benghazi attack
Ronn Blitzer
4-5 minutes


Suzy Five Shows could have said NO, but she chose to lie:

The problem Democrats are having is that they demand everybody else tells the truth in the press, while Socialists retain their constitutional Right to lie about everything.
November 13, 2019
Many journalists would rather have the economy collapse than have a Republican in the White House
By Jack Hellner


Journalists still use the Vietnam War template that brought defeat to their own country. To this day television journalists are most proud of betraying their own country in Southeast Asia.

A free press is supposed to keep the public informed so that Americans can protect themselves from the incremental evils inherent in big government. During the 1960 presidential campaigns both print and electronic media abandoned their reason for their existence. Both conspired to defeat Richard Nixon —— then ignored the theft after JFK stole the election. A few years later “America’s most trusted man.” anchorman Walter Cronkite, went foreign when he declared the war in Vietnam was lost when it was not. Instead of hauling Uncle Walter into a criminal court the entire industry made him a saint.

Print press and television repeatedly warn us about the Right's attack on our individual liberties, while they lead a devastating attack from the Left. The free press’ attack against the American people was pooh-poohed away when MEDIA ITSELF trivialized betrayal as a harmless left-leaning bias.